Keefe POV

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Everyone was looking around the room, unsure of how to react to the scene that had just unfolded. I feel kinda bad now not gonna lie... I didn't expect him to react like THAT!

"Guys. I'm gonna go see if Fitz is ok." I got up from where I was sitting and took the stairs by twos. When I reached Fitz's room, I found the door shut and locked.
"Fitz? It's Keefe. Can I come in?" I knocked on the door a couple times until he finally opened the door. His eyes were red like he had just been crying. I didn't say anything about it though. He opened the door and went back into the room and sat on his bed. I took that as the invitation to enter. I sat down on the bed next to him but still a good distance away to give him his space.

"Fitz? Are you ok?" I looked at him and waited for his response. He kept his eyes on the floor and took a deep breath before responding.

"I'm so sorry Keefe," was all he said. He looked up at me, his normal teal color returning to his eyes.

"Well, there's some good news at least. Your eyes are turning back to normal." I tried to make a joke out of it but Fitz just went back to looking at the floor. "Look. I can't forget what you did, but I can forgive you for it."

Fitz looked back up at me. "Really?" He asked his eyes full of hope.

"Of course. Still best friends?" I held out my hand for a fist bump.

He returned it and smiled. "Still best friends."


the friendship is so magical (my cousin says that all the time haha)

anyway i love y'all tysm for still reading the story!! hope ur enjoying!! 

stay awesome my lovelies :3

<3 Silveny118

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