Keefe POV

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It's sleepover time!!! Time to call Fitzy.

"Hey, Keefe, what's up?" Fitz looked really nervous to talk to me. He didn't suspect a thing. Mwahahaha.

"Hey, Fitzy. I was wondering if we could all sleepover Everglen tonight? We haven't had a sleepover in forever and they're always so much fun." I said over my imparter. From what I could tell, Fitz had no idea I knew.

"Oh. Yeah! Sure! We all meaning like the whole group right?" Fitz asked looking toward the other side of the room.

"Yeah. You, me, Dex, Tam, Lihn, Biana, and Foster."

"Ok! Tell everyone to come at 6! See ya later!" Fitz said and hung up. I noticed Fitzy seemed really desperate to get off the call. I called everyone and told them about the sleepover. Everyone said they'd be there. I called Tam back and told him the news.

"Phase one: part three: complete. Onto phase two."


fitz is in for whatever keefe and tam are planning mhmhmhmh

also he rly didnt wanna be alone w keefe haha what a wimp

sry btw i feel like i always bash fitz but... ya know... 

im team foster-keefe all the way so i hav no room for anyone else hahaha

anyway love y'all 

stay awesome my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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