Fitz POV

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"Dex! How do I fix it!?" I asked frantically.

"I don't know, sorry dude." Dex said casually.

"You WORK AT THE STORE!!! How do you NOT KNOW!?!?!?" I said exasperated.

"I make the elixirs, yes, but my dad makes the antidotes. And how do you know this came from my store?" Dex said casually.

"Where else could it have come from?" I asked him.

"I really don't see what the problem is. What's wrong Fitzy? You don't wanna have the same color eyes as the girl you kissed the other day?" I spun around to face Keefe, my now brown eyes looking into his ice blue ones.

"Keefe, I... I..." I looked down, ashamed. I felt even worse now knowing Keefe knew. I decided to be brave and own up. I looked back up at Keefe. "I'm so sorry, Keefe. And to you, Sophie. You deserve so much. I don't deserve a friend like you." At that I turned and ran out of the room. I ran up the stairs and shut myself in my room. I was so embarrassed that tears were streaming down my face. I didn't want anyone seeing me a mess like this. Ever.


i bet keefe wasnt expecting fitz to react like that

comment below on what u thought keefe and tam's scheme was and if u liked what it wound up being :)

stay lovely my lovelies (i just now realized ive been spelling lovelies this whole time *embarressedsmile*) :3

<3 Silveny118

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