Keefe POV

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I couldn't sleep so I decided to make sure Foster was ok. After a while she kinda started thrashing in her sleep. She must've been having a bad dream. So I left my cot and walked over to hers. I sat down on the edge and took her glove off. I sent my "blue breeze" as Foster called it, and she immediately calmed down. I wanted to make sure she stayed calm so I stayed there on the edge of her cot and stroked her head. Her hair was so soft, and she looked so peaceful sleeping. I'm glad I was able to make her feel better. She's had a rough day. I think it's safe to say that she had a worse day than me. But Foster got through it like she always does. She's so strong. She deserves so much. And that's when I had an idea. I eventually fell asleep on Foster's cot because I never wanted to leave her again.


ok anyone out there want sokeefe to happen in the real series so bad but u also dont want it to happen bc u want keefe for urself?

no one?



well this is awkward...

just me then ig

heh heh mhmhmh

*cheekysmile* *awkwardsmile*

ANYWAY I LOVE YALL SO MUCH AND 112 READS!?!? yall r literally the best

make me new writer feel so loved :)

stay awesome my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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