Keefe POV

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Elwin was giving me some disgusting elixirs when we heard yelling and the door slam.

"What was that? I thought I told your friends to go home." Elwin left the room thankfully taking the elixirs with him. Sophie stormed into the room and sat down on the window seat putting her head in her hands. So many emotions flooded the room when she came in. Anger, sadness, nervousness, guilt. Her body immediately started moving up and down and that's how I knew she was crying. I walked over and sat next to her. I rubbed her back until she was ready to tell me what was wrong. Eventually she looked up at me with tearstained eyes.

"What's wrong Soph?" I asked, wiping the tears from her eyes. She sniffled and put her head on my shoulder. Then she lifted her head and put it back in her hands. "Hey, no guilt, alright?" She nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry Keefe... I was outside and... and..." She tried to continue but just began crying again.

"Shh. It's ok. Take a deep breath and tell me when you're ready." I returned to rubbing her back. She sat up and began again.

"I lightleaped here from Havenfield. When I got here Fitz was waiting outside. So I started talking to him asking why he was outside. But I never got to finish because--"

"What did he do to you?" I said, not realizing I had risen from my seated position. Sophie looked at me with wide eyes and started crying again.

"He kissed me, Keefe. I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't kiss him back though! I swear!" she finished and pulled her knees into her stomach and curled up into a ball, crying. I sat back down and hugged her. I leaned back and looked at her.

"Hey. Look at me." she lifted her head to look at me, the tears spilling over in her eyes. "I know you didn't kiss him back. I don't blame you for this at all. Don't cry ok? I like seeing you smile better." I smiled at her and she returned it. I could feel it in her emotions she was starting to feel better.

"So... you believe me?" she looked at me relieved. I smiled at her and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.

"Of course I believe you. I trust you and I love you. Always remember that." I hugged her again and this time she felt good enough to hug me back.

"I also brought you mallowmelt but I dropped it on the ground outside." She looked up and me and laughed at the appalled face I made at her statement.

"So not only did Fitz kiss my girlfriend but he ALSO MADE YOU DROP THE MALLOWMELT!?!? He's especially dead meat now."

Sophie laughed. "Where'd you learn that human phrase? Also what determined him being dead meat?"

"Dex. And I was gonna kill him before I found out about the mallowmelt. Now he's not gonna know what hit him."

"Keefe. I love you. When you "kill" him, just think what I'd want you to do, ok?" She looked at me and I knew exactly what she meant. She didn't want me to actually hurt Fitz. I wanted to, I'm not gonna lie. But deep down I knew I wouldn't because Sophie didn't want me to.

"I won't touch a hair on his head." I said, putting my right hand over my heart and my left in the air. I saw it in a human movie once. "No reason to worry, Foster." I turned to smile at her but she'was looking down again. I didn't realize she was crying until I saw the tears falling onto the floor. "Hey. Did I say something wrong?"

She looked up at me and smiled, forgetting I was an empath and could read her emotions. "No you're fine. That's just something that Alden always used to say to me. It's just... I can't believe..." She sighed. "Nevermind. I'm ok. I promise." She added when I raised an eyebrow at her. "I love you Keefe."

"I love you too Foster. Always."


a longer chapter AND SOKEEFE FLUFF!?!?! its a package deal!!!

anyone else agree fitz is a jerk?

like cmon she told him she couldnt be w him and he kisses her?!!? like bruhhhhh invasion of personal space much?!?!

disgusting absolutely disgusting



stay charming my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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