Keefe POV

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While I was waiting for Foster to come back I figured I'd hail everyone and tell them the good news. They all came in a matter of seconds which kinda freaked me out how fast lightleaping actually was. It was good to see them all again. Fitz wouldn't even make eye contact when he talked to me though. I wonder if something happened while I was gone... I don't know. Anyway so everyone stayed for a while and Foster still hadn't come back. Eventually Elwin kicked everyone out so I could "get some rest" which we both knew was not gonna happen.

alright there's no good excuse for y this is so short...

let's just go w the fact that keefe was tired when he was narrating this and he got lazy...

yea... that's what happened

absolutely nothing to do w me

heh *cheekysmile*

stay awesome my (patient) lovlies heh :3

<3 Silveny118

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