Sophie POV

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I snapped my head up from my lap. I looked over at Keefe who had shifted positions again. I took his hand in mine again. I looked at the clock. 7:08. I put my hands to Keefe's temples and started looking for him. It was completely dark in his mind and it scared me. I found the trail of warmth and followed it to the nook. That's where I found him with all the important memories he hid. I couldn't help but notice that most of them were of me.

Keefe. It's me Sophie. I need you to come back to me. I really need you. I couldn't live without you. I could never be happy without you. I love you. Please come back to me.

I could feel some of the light and warmth come back into his mind. The darkness slowly but surely started fading away. I took my fingers off his head and sat back exhausted. I looked at Keefe hoping I had done enough to bring him back. That's when he stirred. His eyelashes fluttered. Once. Twice. And his eyes opened. The first thing he looked at was me.

"Foster?" Tears welled up in my eyes when he said my name. I got off the cot I was sitting on and hugged him like I would never let go again. He returned the hug with the same intensity. I leaned back and looked into his ice blue eyes that were anything but cold. I watched him as his eyes trailed down to my lips and he leaned forward. I leaned in and closed my eyes and our lips met. He pulled me closer to him and held me. I put my hands in his hair and deepened the kiss. It was so passionate and it clarified everything. I loved Keefe Sencen and he loved me. And nothing would ever change that.


take that fitz vacker

the ritz cracker




i love y'all 

stay fabulous my lovlies!! :3

<3 Silveny118

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