Sophie POV

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Since Keefe had managed to come back, Biana decided to go home. I hailed Elwin to check on Grady and Edaline.

"How are they, Elwin?" I asked as he turned around so I could see them. They looked peaceful sleeping on their cots.

"They're doing a lot better since you brought them here. All of their vitals are steady and healthy. Just some minor cuts, burns, and bruises is all they're dealing with. They're going to be fine." 

"Thanks, Elwin. You're the best." I smiled and ended the call. 

"So, Foster. What happened?" I turned to Keefe. He was sitting on the edge of my bed holding Ella. He patted the spot next to him, holding Ella out to me. I sat down, taking Ella and holding her tightly. 

As I began telling Keefe what happened, I watched as his eyes would widen at certain things I said and soften at others. When I finished he wrapped me in a hug and I let a few tears slip onto his tunic.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Sophie. My mother is cruel, but I didn't think she'd go as far as taking your parents. I'm so sorry," Keefe leaned back and kissed my forehead and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. 

"But hey? No guilt ok? I don't blame you for any of this." Keefe said and all my worries went away. As long as Keefe didn't hate me, I would be ok.

sorry for another short chapter!

ill try to make the next chapter at least 400-500 words

then ull be happy


heh heh



i hope y'all are enjoying the story! im contemplating making a sequel

lmk if y'all would want that




<3 Silveny118

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