Keefe POV

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I sat there in that cold empty cell for days. The only track of time I had was the two meals I got every day at the exact same time. At least they were mostly consistent. I couldn't stop thinking about what my mother had said about Sophie rejecting me. I tried not to believe it but after everything I've put her through how could she not reject me. She probably doesn't even think about me anymore. She's probably on a date with Fitz right now. Or Tam if I'm lucky. Fitz doesn't deserve a girl like Sophie. I mean he's my best friend but he's got some serious issues. As if I can say anything about issues though. Evil mommy dearest, practically evil daddy dearest. Ya know i've just got the life. Fitz has the golden boy status, the perfect family, well mostly since we don't count Alvar anymore, and overall the perfect life. I just really hope Sophie hasn't fallen for him out of all people, if not me. Who am I kidding? I just want her to be happy.

KEEFE!! always putting Sophie first <3 <3 <3

it's imp-possible (see what i did there tehehe) to not love the Keefester 

<3 Silveny118

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