Keefe POV

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The guards led me down a long staircase. it must have been spiraled because I felt like I was walking in circles forever. Eventually we got on even ground again. They led me through a doorway and down a hall. After about five more minutes of walking they pulled me to a stop, pulled my sack off and shoved me into the cell in front of us. They slammed the door and locked it.

"Man you guys couldn't have left my sack on? It was protecting my nose from your stench." I looked them right in the eyes trying to get a rise out of one of them. Neither of them responded or even looked at me. They just stood there guarding the door.

"So you guys think you're so tough, huh? I bet if I even threatened to pull off your hoods you'd go running." I said trying to fill the void of silence.

"Go ahead try us kid." The one guard looked at me from under his hood. I could hear the smirk in his voice. I knew he was bluffing but I decided to try anyway. I pulled down the one guard's hood to reveal nothing but a masked face.

"Told ya." the guards laughed in my face and walked away not even bothering to guard me anymore. I walked to the back corner of the cell and curled up in a ball on the floor. I closed my eyes trying to find sleep but all I could think about were those beautiful brown eyes with gold flecks that I always managed to fill with worry. The beautiful girl that they belonged to that I might not ever see again. She was the only one I'd ever loved and I never even got the chance to tell her. She's all that matters to me. But I don't deserve her. I'm not worth it. She deserves the world and more. I just hope she gets that one day. I eventually fell into an anxious sleep Sophie being the only one keeping me anchored.

SOPHIE IS HIS ROCK!!! love that girl! just like i love my readers (my imaginary ones bc this was just published haha) (and my actual ones if there are any haha) peace out chickies

<3 Silveny118

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