Keefe POV

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After a few rounds of base quest, I decided to go home and draw. It's been a while so I thought I'd make something for Sophie. I know gift giving was the Fitzter's thing with her but she loves when I do art for her so I decided to make her something special. When I got home, my dad was in the kitchen. He turned to face me when he heard the door open.

"So how was the sleepover?" He asked as he walked over to me. He took my bags off my shoulder and put them on the floor. He then proceeded to HUG me, which I don't think he's done in my entire life. I was shocked and didn't know what to do. Then I shook myself back to reality and patted him on the back. I shimmied out from under his arms and picked my bags up.

"It was fine. We played a good prank on Fitz and played some base quest. That's about it. Well... ok... so I'm gonna go upstairs and um... draw something for Sophie."

I started up the stairs when my dad responded.

"Ya know, Keefe? Sophie will be a great Sencen one day." I widened my eyes at him and internally cringed all the way up the stairs to my room. When I got to my room I sat down at my desk to draw.

I guess Daddio had a little too much fizzleberry wine today. Either that or... nah it couldn't be. Daddio would never change.

I shook those thoughts out of my head and grabbed my supplies. I started Sophie's drawing when my imparter's screen lit up with Sophie's name.

Cmon Foster, of course as soon as I start.

I picked up my imparter and answered her call.

"Hey, Foster, what's up?" I asked, sending her one of my signature smirks.

"Hey, Keefe, can I come over?"

"Sure! I just gotta let my dad know. I'll see you soon. Love--" Sophie ended the call and I just shrugged it off. She's just excited to come over. I went downstairs to tell my dad Sophie was coming over.

"Ok! I'll just send her up when she gets here. Just go clean your room so you're not embarrassed." I let a chuckle slip before running back upstairs to take my dad's usually unhelpful advice. This time though... let's just say I'm glad he decided to put his two cents in. A few minutes later I heard a knock at the door.

"Keefe? Can I come in?" Sophie asked from outside the door.

"Yeah. Come on in." She opened the door and I noticed her eyes widen. I looked down and realized that I had forgotten to put my shirt back on. "Sorry Foster I got a little sweaty playing base quest." I stifled a laugh at her reaction.

"I got you something," Sophie said sweetly. She pulled a bottle from under her cloak and held it out.

"A present? For moi?" I said holding out my hands like an expectant child.

"I know how much you liked having the same color eyes as me so I had Dex make you some more Brown Eye Solidari-Tea. Enjoy!" She held out the bottle to me and I gladly took it and chugged it. I downed the whole bottle in one gulp. I looked at her and smiled. She didn't look very happy.

"Soph? Is everything ok? You look--" I tried to finish my sentence and walk toward her but I staggered and fell. Sophie helped me up and brought me to my bed. The last thing I saw was her leaning over me, tears falling from her eyes.

Then everything went black.






ig ull hav to keep reading to find out hehehehe


stay patient my lovelies tehehe :3

<3 Silveny118

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