Sophie POV

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When we got there no one challenged us. In fact there was no one even there. Strange. We walked down the long corridors and still there was no one. The spiral staircase felt like it went down forever. We decided that the majority of the group would wait by the stairs in groups in case of ambush. Dex, Biana, and I went under the protection of Biana's ability to find Keefe. We searched the large bottom floor frantically looking for Keefe. We started to lose hope when I spotted a familiar handsome blonde boy in the cell to our right.

"KEEFE!!" I shouted , tears welling up in my eyes. Biana and Dex shushed me, reminding me that Neverseen members could be anywhere. I ran out from under the invisibility and ran to the bars of the cell.

"Dex! Can you open this?" I whispered and he came out of hiding to help me. He got the lock open and I ran inside to where Keefe was sitting on the floor. I sat down on the ground in front of him and looked at him. His eyes were on the ground. I tilted his chin up to look him in the eyes.

"Keefe, it's me. It's Sophie. I'm here to take you home." No look of recognition appeared on his face. I put my fingers to his temples and entered his mind. It was dark and cold, and I took my hands off and gasped.

"No... it can't be..." I started sobbing. Biana and Dex must've heard me because they came in and sat down beside me.

"Soph, what's wrong?" Dex asked.

"Keefe... his mind... it... it's... broken..." I put my head in my hands and cried. 

alright... good to know i wasn't the only one who cried over keefe's mind being broken.


also WHO CANT WAIT FOR BOOK NINE TO BE RELEASED!?!?!?! i for one am dying of anticipation. comment below how far in the series u r and what you think keefe's new ability will be hmhmhmhm <3

<3 Silveny118

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