Keefe POV

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Foster and I lightleaped to the Wanderling Woods. 

"So they really planted my Wanderling?" 

"Yeah. It was terrible."

I looked at my Wanderling. It looked a lot like me. The blonde leaves, ice blue flowers, and the crooked bark were all things that resembled my appearance: my amazing hair, my eyes, and my signature smirk. 

As if she read my mind, Foster spoke. "It looks just like you, huh?" I saw a few tears leak from her eyes and fall down her face. I reached up and wiped her eyes.

"Hey, I'm ok. I'm back." I pulled her into a hug. "And I'm never leaving again." She sank into my embrace and returned the hug. 

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we visit the Forbidden Cities? You can take me to that place you've told me about. Chicken Filet?" I asked.

She laughed. Gosh I loved her laugh. "It's called Chick-fil-a Keefe." She continued laughing and after I realized my mistake I joined in. 

"Yeah that place. Can we go? Pleeeeaaaasee?" I begged. I wanted to make her feel better. 

She sighed and giggled. "Fiiiiiine. Let's go. JUST DON'T TELL SANDOR!!"

"Aw don't worry! Gigantor loves me!"

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Sure he does." 

She got up to walk away from the tree but stopped a few feet away. "Wait... how will we even get there?" 

"I have my ways." I said giving her my signature smirk.

She just laughed. "Ok then. Lead the way." 

I pulled a cobalt blue leaping crystal from my pocket and led her through the path of light.  

ooooooooohhhhhhh where r they headed???? jk y'all know they're goin to the forbidden cities.

but the question is WHERE???

keep reading to find out!!

tysm for all the reads and support!!

also don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think! ill be sure to reply and it would mean alot to get some feedback! :)




<3 Silveny118

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