Sophie POV

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I can't waste anymore time talking. I'm taking action.

"Guys I'll be right back. Just going to the bathroom." I said practically running into the house. Once inside I locked myself in the bathroom and stretched my mind out as far as possible. If I can't find Keefe on my own he'll help me.


No answer


Still nothing



I started crying right there when I heard his voice fill my mind.

Keefe! I'm so happy you're ok! You have no idea how amazing it is to hear your voice again!

Yeah don't worry Foster I'll be ok. I'm a lot better now that I'm talking to you.

Oh Keefe! I've been so worried! Where are you?

I actually don't know... I'm sorry Sophie I don't think you can get me out of this one... Just go on without me. forget me and live a happy life.

Go on without you? Forget you and still be happy? Keefe I could never go on without you because you're what keeps me going. I could never forget you and still be happy because you're the source of my happiness. I... I love you Keefe and I'm sorry for never telling you before. And if what your mother said isn't true and you don't love me, that's ok. I just needed you to know.

You... love me? But why me? You could've had everything with Fitz! But you love me? You love me! Oh Sophie I love you so much! I have since the moment I met you. I'm sorry I had to tell you like this but I promise I will find a way to tell you in person.

And so will I. I will find you Keefe. I promise. I don't know what I would do without you. You're worth everything to me. I'm gonna try to track you. Do you give me permission to enter your mind?

Of course Foster. Since when do you need to ask?

I could hear the smirk in his voice and laughed when he added that last part. With his permission granted I entered his mind and attempted to track him. It was a little difficult considering he didn't even know where he was but I managed to find him at last.


What? What's up Foster?

I know where you are!!

Really?! Where?

The good news is that it won't take me long to get to you...

And the bad news?

... You're in Exile, Keefe.

oof sry for the cliffhanger my lovlies. it had to be done. why is keefe in exile though?! keep reading to find out ;) <3

<3 Silveny118

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