Keefe POV

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Cognates. That word sounded familiar. Another memory triggered. Ugh. I forgot about the Fitzphie staring into each other's eyes cognate practices. I moved to facepalm but I couldn't move my arms so I just wound up shifting positions. I could've lived without that memory. I hope they don't do that anymore. It kinda freaked everyone out not gonna lie. But leave it to Fitz to take every opportunity to look into those beautiful eyes. She really is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. But she's so much more than that. She's super smart, funny, caring, loving, helpful, supportive, I mean the list could go on forever for things that describe Foster. I would give anything to be with her right now. I miss her so much. She's the only thing keeping me from going into the darkness and not coming back out. I'm gonna try to transmit to her. Not that it'll most likely work.

Don't worry, Foster. I know you'll fix me. You're my only hope. I'll stay strong. For you.

great job fitz

way to make keefe barf in his subconsciousness *facepalm*

anywayyy... this story has been so much fun to write and i hope y'all are enjoying it! sry some of the chapters are short but i promise there are chapters that make up for them! thx for the support!

stay be-you-tiful my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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