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Keefe told me the plan over and over again until I knew exactly what to do. He told me so many times I think I could recite it in my sleep. So now I gotta go over to Slurps and Burps and pick up the order of Brown Eye Solidari-Tea. I lightleaped to the Dizznee's store and Dex met me at the counter.

"Hey, Tam. Here's your order." Dex said with a double eyebrow raise. Keefe must've let him in on the plan. I thanked him and lightleaped to Candleshade. Unfortunately for me, Lord Cassius was home and answered the door.

"Hello. Who might you be?" I hated when people acted entitled, especially when it was Keefe's dad. No wonder he hates it here.

"I'm Tam. I'm Keefe's... friend." Man that was a struggle. Hopefully Keefe doesn't find out about this. I don't need him getting any ideas of my soft side... not that I have one. Ugh.

"Yes... of course. His room is right upstairs." Lord Cassius left me at the front door and I headed upstairs. I found Keefe in his room sketching in a gold notebook.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the notebook. He stopped sketching and looked up at me, startled. He must've just realized I was there. He stashed his notebook in the drawer of his desk and walked over to me.

"Did you get it?" He asked, completely dodging my question. I held up the bag with the elixir in it and he smiled mischievously. "Phase one: part one: complete. Now head home and talk to Fitz, or do it however you think will be the least suspicious."

I lightleaped home, and decided to go with the first option of just calling Fitz. seemed less suspicious than just showing up at his house. He picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, Fitz," I said casually.

"Hey, Tam. What's up?" He didn't suspect a thing. Mwahahaha.

"So... Biana told me what happened..." I technically wasn't lying. Biana really did tell me what happened. I just didn't mention that Keefe also told me.

"Oh... you heard too? Does everyone know now?" Fitz asked with despair.

"Not everyone... Keefe surprisingly doesn't know." I said, internally evil laughing. The plan was going accordingly.

"Really? When Biana talked to Sophie she said he was mad." Fitz was very confused and it was hilarious.

"Nah, he was mad because he remembered I pranked him and he never got his revenge." I totally came up with that on the spot. And Fitz believed it! Ah this is so much fun.

"Oh, well that's a relief." Fitz wiped his hand across his forehead and sighed.

"Alright well Lihn is asking me to watch her. She figured out a new trick to do with her hydrokinesis. Gotta go. Bye"

"Ok, bye," Fitz hung up and I immediately called Keefe.

"Phase one: part two: complete." I said with a sly grin.

Keefe threw his head back and laughed. "This is too easy. On to part three."

hey y'all! just got back from the boardwalk!!

im full from ice cream haha

hope ur enjoying the story :3

stay sweet my lovlies 

<3 Silveny118

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