Keefe POV

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I heard someone enter my cell but didn't feel the need to look. Someone sat in front of me but I didn't want to see them. They said something to me. Keefe it's me. It's Sophie. Keefe. That must be me. My name is Keefe. Sophie. Who is Sophie? I suddenly felt warmth in my mind that I haven't felt in a while. One memory came to my mind. The memory of a pair of beautiful brown eyes with gold flecks in them. They must belong to whoever Sophie is. If she has such beautiful eyes she must be beautiful. I heard her start to cry. I wanted to tell her everything was ok and that she shouldn't cry. I wanted to make her feel better and it pained me that I was the one that made her feel sad. Another memory came to mind. I was comforting a girl with long blonde hair and the same beautiful brown eyes with gold flecks. She had been crying and I was rubbing her back. She turned and cried into my shoulder and I let her, comforting her as much as I could. I remembered being upset because I was the one who had made her cry. I never wanted to hurt this beautiful girl. And that's when I remembered why. I love her. I love Sophie. And I would never forget her. Everything came flooding back. Including the darkness. 

 DONT GO INTO THE LIGHT KEEFE!! or in this case the darkness mhmhmhmh

sry not funny we all need keefe to live


enjoy!! :3 

<3 Silveny118

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