Sophie POV

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I hated doing this to Keefe. 

What would he have done if he was in my position? 

Oh... I guess he wouldn't do anything about it because of his parental situation...

I'm sorry Keefe. Please don't hate me for this. I need Grady and Edaline back.

I transmitted to him within his subconsciousness, no way of knowing if he heard me. He's going to hate me forever after this. He'll break up with me, never talk to me again, and I'll have lost the one of the best friends I've ever had. 

I sat down on the edge of his bed, stroking his hair. I was crying so much it was hard to see him clearly. He looked peaceful, thankfully. I took the leaping crystal out of my pocket and held it to the light through the window while holding Keefe's hand. The light wisked us away and we landed at the gateway of Ravagog. 

"Well, hello, Miss Foster." I turned around to see Lady Gisela leaning on a nearby tree. "I see you held up your end of the deal. Time for me to hold mine." She smiled evilly and clapped her hands three times. Two Neverseen members came from behind the trees dragging two bodies behind them. Grady and Edaline.

hey guys! hope y'all are enjoying the story and r forgiving me for the short chapter! *dodges tomato* 

alright alright i get it i'm sry abt the short chapter ok? the next one will be longer i promise hehe.

love y'all!

stay fabulous my lovelies :3

<3 Silveny118

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