Keefe POV

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I had just fallen asleep when I heard shuffling to my left. I cracked my right eye open to see Foster grabbing her blanket and leaving the room. I slowly got out of my sleeping bag to follow her. I stopped at the end of the room and peeked my head around the wall in time to see her walk out the door and close it softly behind her. I walked quietly out of the room and followed her out the door. I found her propped up against one of Everglen's trees with the blanket wrapped around her. I walked up and sat down next to her.

"Hey, Miss F. Everything ok?" I said putting an arm around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and looked up at me.

"Everything's fine, Keefe. I just couldn't sleep, that's all. Why aren't you asleep?" She looked so at peace under the stars. It reminded me of the first time we flew on Silveny together. Under the stars. It was the first time she really... trusted me.

"I heard you get up and I wanted to make sure everything was ok," I said, smiling down at her.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I watched as she glanced up at the stars. I knew she was referring to the sky. That's not what I was looking at though.

"Yeah, it is," I said looking at her. She looked up at me and laughed her beautiful laugh.

"I meant the sky, you dork." She kept laughing, causing me to laugh. She sighed and closed her eyes resting against me. "I love you Keefe Sencen."

I laid my head on top of hers and closed my eyes. "I love you more Sophie Foster." We fell asleep there under the starry sky.

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The next morning I woke up as the sun was rising. I looked over at Sophie. She was still sleeping. I gently shook her awake.

"Foster. Look." I pointed to the horizon and she gasped as she watched the sun rise from behind the hills, making Everglen look even more sparkly than usual. She gasped and stared in awe. I smiled and just kept looking at her. She was the only beautiful sight I needed to see. 


what a charmer keefe


anywaysssssssss keep enjoying!! keep being u!!

stay awesome my lovelies :3

<3 Silveny118

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