Sophie POV

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Everglen's scenery was beautiful in the light of the rising sun. I sat there with Keefe until the sun had risen to the top of the treeline. I stood up and stretched and reached out a hand to Keefe. He gladly took it and stood with me.

"So, Foster. What do you wanna do today?" Keefe asked, smirking at me. I smiled back at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I think I'm gonna hang out with my parents today. I haven't in a while and don't want them to feel unappreciated." Keefe made puppy eyes at me when I basically told him I wasn't hanging out with him today.

"Ok, fine. But what happens when I start to feel unappreciated?" Keefe asked fake sniffling.

I ruffled his hair and he immediately reached up to fix it. "I'd never let you feel unappreciated, Keefe." I gave him another kiss and turned to walk back to the house. He quickly followed and was by my side again, taking my hand in his, and walking me back.

When we got back to the house we found all of our friends already awake eating breakfast. Della made MALLOWMELT for BREAKFAST!! And it was almost completely gone when we got there. Ugh. Some best friends they are. But Della wound up making extra for the simple fact that Keefe himself eats like 20 slices so it worked out.

After breakfast I said goodbye to my friends and headed back home. Keefe offered to bring me home but I felt that he should hang out with the group for a little while longer so I told him to stay. After complaining about first not getting to spend the day with me and now not even being able to take me home, he finally agreed and started a base quest game with the group.

I walked inside and called out to my parents.

"Mom? Dad? Where are you guys?" I walked around the kitchen finally stopping to think standing behind the island. That's when I saw it. A sheet of paper with the Neverseen's white eye symbol on the top and a green leaping crystal. 

It read:


Isn't it interesting how one of us always has what the other wants. Here's the deal. I'm sure you figured out by now that it was I who took your parents on a little trip. So you either accept my deal or accept your parents' early demise. I'm sure the latter doesn't sound very appealing to you so I'll make this quick. Bring my son to Ravagog and your parents will be free to go. Fail, and you will be forced to watch them die. I don't care how you do it except he needs to be alive. And also, TELL NO ONE. Blab, and that will be another ticket to your parents' funerals.


I sank to my knees with the note crumpled in my hands. I read the note what felt like a hundred times and I was still torn. Finally I came to a conclusion.



hehe well

keep reading and ull find out mwahahahahaha i love y'all 

stay patient my lovelies :3 

<3 Silveny118

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