Sophie POV

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I put Keefe's arm around my shoulder and started to walk him out the door. Biana and Dex helped and we managed to get up the stairs back to the group.

"Alden. I need you to lightleap Keefe to Elwin's. His mind is broken and I'm the only one who can fix him." Alden nodded and lightleaped away. Sandor checked me over to make sure I was ok and I reassured him. We checked for Neverseen members once more before coming to the conclusion that they had left Keefe for dead once they had what they needed. the light leaped away. Everyone went home but I headed straight to Elwin's. I got there finding Keefe laid out on one of the cots. I went over and sat down on the cot across from him, refusing to move. 

sry again for another short post. i just needed a section for sophie to be defiant hahaha love that girl. <3 


stay be-you-tiful my lovlies

<3 Silveny118

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