Keefe POV

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When we got to the room where they would be performing the break, the guards told me I had to wait for my mother and left me. I don't know how long I waited in that cold dark room. Finally my mother came. With Gethen. I guessed he would be performing the break.

"Keefe, I'm sure you remember Gethen. He will be performing the break on you today." Well I guess I got one thing right. Gethen walked up to me and put his hands on my temples. I tried to jerk my head away but it was no use. My hands and feet were bound and Gethen was a lot stronger than me. I felt him enter my mind and start searching through my thoughts and memories. I could see everything he was seeing. I tried to hide what I was thinking since I was mostly thinking of Sophie. I didn't want anything to happen to her. So as hard as it was, I thought nothing of her as Gethen searched my mind. That's when I remembered what Alden had said about what to do if my mind was ever broken. So I took the important thoughts and memories and tucked them into the nook in my head so Sophie could find me again. I hoped it would work. Then I felt it. I felt the darkness absorb my mind and take over. And that's when I knew. My mind was broken.


it's fine

everything's fine

i'm fine...

*goes away and cries bc i just broke keefe's mind ;(


love her. love that girl sooo much. <3 

anywhooooo... hope y'all r enjoying the story!! i rly appreiciate the reads my lovlies!

<3 Silveny118

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