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I was kinda surprised when Keefe hailed me. I mean, we're not technically enemies like we used to be, but we're not really on best friend hailing terms either. I wasn't gonna admit it to Keefe, but I was glad he was ok. I knew Sophie would fix him though so I was never really worried. Me and Lihn leaped to Elwin's to find Fitz and Biana already there. Dex got there at the same time as us. Everyone started hugging Keefe and you have to know I was not involved in that obviously. Everyone except Fitz which I thought was weird but I let it go. I just gave Keefe a nice "glad to see you're still alive" head nod and left it at that. We all talked for a while, Keefe basically filling us in on what happened, until Elwin kicked us out. He said the baby needed his nap so we all left... except Fitz. He waited outside and didn't leave that I saw. I'd figure out what was going on. I do love a good drama. 

i do love a good drama

dont u love when thats that one emo kid? 


i cant actually relate... i dont hav any emo friends heh heh...

*turns away awkwardly* 


64 reads guys y'all srsly rock!! mhmhmhmhmh

stay kind my lovlies :3

<3 Silveny118

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