Biana POV

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"Hey, B. I need your help." Sophie said.

"Ok, is everything ok?" I asked, concerned. By the look on her face, everything was definitely not ok. "What's wrong, Soph? Your forehead is creased so much it would take Keefe an hour to unscrunch it." I noticed at my mention of Keefe's name her face faltered for a second before she caught herself. "It has to do with Keefe doesn't it?" I asked, tentatively. I immediately regretted asking this because she broke down in tears.

"He's going to hate me, Biana! Keefe is gonna hate me! I betrayed him, Biana! I need to get him back! He's never gonna talk to me ever again! He's gonna break up with me, hate me, and I'm gonna lose one of my best friends!" She started crying again and I knew she needed me.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna come over and you can tell me whatever you need to tell me, ok?" I asked already packing a bag with tissues and a fuzzy blanket.

She sniffled on her end. "Ok. I'll see you here." She said and hung up.

I walked down the stairs to find my mom in the kitchen. 

"Hey, Mom? Is it alright if I head over to Havenfield? Sophie needs me." I saw her look up from cleaning the dishes to look me in the eyes. She walked over to me and wrapped me in a big hug.

"That's fine," She leaned back to look at me, her hands not leaving my shoulders. "just... stay safe. Ok?" She pulled me in for another hug. 

"Of course, Mom. I love you." I said into her shirt.

"I love you too." She let me go and I walked to the leapmaster. I looked back at her one last time and smiled. I turned back to the leapmaster and shouted "HAVENFIELD!"

sorry for the short chapter y'all

im actually in science class rn so that's y it's kinda a short update...

im actually sleeping over my cousin's, MrSnuggles06, house tonight because... THE MIRACULOUS SHANGHAI SPECIAL PREMIERES TONIGHT!!! ANYONE ELSE SO EXCITED?!?!

no? just me.... thats awkward

*walks away embarrassed for being obsessed w a seven yr old's tv show* 


ANYWAY so yea ill update more ltr i love y'all so much

and dont forget




<3 Silveny118

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