Sophie POV

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We stood in the gathering room on Havenfield's main floor. The Collective, the Council, the parents, and the friends. We'd been meeting like this for months. 36 months. 3 years. We'd been searching for Keefe for 3 years. Mr. Forkle eventually came into the room addressing everyone.

'I am sorry to announce that due to unexpected circumstances, we must cease in our search for Mr. Sencen.'

'NOOO!' I fell to my knees and started sobbing on the floor. I felt hands help me up and walk me upstairs. Whoever it was I didn't care. I ran out of their grasp once I reached my room and shut the door behind me. I ran to my bed and sobbed into my pillow, crying myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of voices in the hallway. I got up quietly and put my ear to the door.

'We'll have to do it today. I know there's still a possibility he's alive, I'm sure. But we can't keep prolonging the inevitable. We have to plant Mr. Sencen's Wanderling today."

'NO!' I shouted, throwing the door open. 'We have to keep looking for Keefe! He's still alive, I know he is!' I need him to be I thought to myself.

'I'm sorry Miss Foster. I know how much he means to you. But this needs to be done.' With that he glittered away.

'Sophie--' Grady started.

'No Dad! I can't believe you're on his side!' I turned and ran back into my bedroom.

Two hours passed and I knew I had to get ready for Keefe's planting. I didn't want to. So I settled on glaring at the green dress in the open doorway of my closet.



Edaline peeked her head in the doorway. 'Can I come in?' I nodded my head, not trusting my voice. She came in and sat down next to me on my bed.

'Are you ok?' She asked, rubbing my back. I shook my head, not yet ready to talk.

'Look. I know you think Keefe is still alive. I mean, this is Keefe we're talking about, so I'm sure he is. But people need clarity honey.' I didn't say anything. Edaline sighed. 'Just get ready, ok? He would want you there.' She got up and left the room.

Edaline was right. Keefe would want me there. So I grudgingly got up and put the annoying green dress on. Then I had an idea.

'Mom?' I yelled down to Edaline.

'Yes?' She yelled back.

'Can I meet you and Grady at the planting? I think I wanna show up alone.'

She didn't answer for a minute, probably asking Grady. 'Sure sweetie that's fine. Whatever will make you feel better.'

This would make me feel better because I knew Keefe wasn't gone.

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