The One With The Eyesore (feat. guest star splendorman)

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"Splendy went though a phase where the only thing he would wear were rainbow-covered suits. Everyone is very glad he grew out of this phase, mostly for the sake of their eyes."

"Oh, dear God-" you screwed your eyes shut, head turned away from the unholy conglomeration of color splashed across the page. "What is that?"

Slender hummed thoughtfully, "That, my dear, is my brother."

"Why does he look like that?"

Slender chuckled, "Splendy has a penchant for color," he explained. "It just so happens that none of these colors happened to match."

You peeked out from behind your fingers and immediately wanted to hide again. "It hurts to look at."

Slender nodded, "It was a... bit much," he agreed, nodding to the rainbow suit the Splendorman wore- bright, neon colors contrasting horribly together. It made you want to cry. "Trendy just about had a conniption, but truth be told I think that was half the reason he did it. Needless to say, I digress..."

He flipped the page in the photo album, revealing, to your horror, more of the suits. "Why did he have so many?"

Slender shrugged. "Trendy and Splendy always had an inclination towards variety," he said mildly. "I never much understood it, but to each his own."

On and on it went, each suit more grotesque than the last. By the time you reached the end of that particular photo album, even Slender looked a little queasy.

"Well, ah, that concludes this book," he said, setting it gingerly on the sideboard. "Why don't you run along now, (Y/N)? I do wholeheartedly believe Eyeless Jack requires your assistance in his lab."

After the smorgasbord of color you just bore witness to, the cool monochrome of EJ's lab sounded like heaven, you had to admit- even if the eyeless cannibal did scare the shit out of you if you thought about it too much.

"He's not- um, d-dissecting anyone, i-is he?"

Slender hummed thoughtfully, "No. That is to say, he is doing a dissection-" you tensed. "-but I don't believe the subject matter is a human cadaver."

You relaxed marginally, "Oh, ok. So like... a rat, or something."

"Mmm. A cow's eye, if I'm not mistaken."


Slender shrugged, "Why does anybody do anything? Curiosity, I imagine," he made a shooing motion. "Run along now; I've work to do."

I'm not a child, you thought, but didn't say anything, instead meandering down the stairs to the basement to help Eyeless with his science experiment.

Slender watched you go for a moment, then turned to the sideboard, where a family portrait of all four slendersiblings resided.

"I wonder what you'll think of them," he muttered, then sighed and stood up.

He had work to do.

(Feel like I should clarify- what I meant by this was suits that just clashed horribly. Neon colors, a genuine eyesore to look at. Evidently, my younger self wasn't able to articulate this XD
I was gonna say, actually, there's been a few headcanons I've skipped (mostly because I don't want to write them XD) so that means I'll have some space left over once I finish this book. Anything extra that you guys wanted to see?
Oh, also- this was 'Slendy and Reader-chan go through the family photo albums part... 3?' I think?)

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now