The One With The Obnoxiously Long Word (feat. peanut butter)

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"Toby actually has a severe case of arachibutyrophobia, which is fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth. He tries to hide this particular fear though, as BEN and Jeff tease him about it."

Toby's eyes zeroed in on threat. The threat being the peanut butter on the countertop, the likes of which you were using to create a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

You sighed and set down your knife. "Toby, you've been staring at me since I walked in, what hair-brained scheme have you come up with now?" Toby kept a close eye on the peanut butter.

"Nothing," he answered distractedly. "Just not a fan of peanut butter." You paused.

"Come again?" You asked. Toby didn't remove his gaze from the peanut butter.

"Peanut butter," he answered. "I d-don't *tic* like it." You frowned suddenly.

"Are you allergic?" You asked worriedly. "Fuck, Toby, you should have told me, some peanut allergies are really bad-"

"I'm not allergic," Toby cut across you. "I just- I just d-don't like it when it st-sticks t-to *tic* the r-roof of my mouth." You cocked your head to the side.

"Isn't there a fear that deals with that?" You asked. "Something that begins with an A-"

"Arachibutyrophobia," Toby said immediately. You stared at him, gobsmacked.

"Gesundheit," you said at length, and Toby blushed.

"D-Danke," he stammered, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. You cocked your head to the side.

"Sprichst du Deutsch?" You asked.

"I sprechen," Toby answered, then grinned a little. "You p-pick some u-up, here and there. Sl-Slender's *tic* a b-bit of a f-foulmouth." You laughed.

"Really? I hadn't noticed," you drawled, then turned back to your sandwich. "Anywho, do you want a sandwich? Nothing with peanut butter, obviously." Toby hesitated for a moment.

"You can't l-laugh," he warned. You raised an eyebrow.

"Toby, I've made blood tacos for EJ and Death by Celery ice cream for Jeff," you pointed out. "I don't see how this could be much worse." Toby shrugged. You had a point.

"Cheese and pickle sandwich?" He asked hesitantly, and you blinked. That was not what you were expecting, but who were you to judge?

"Taking a leaf out of an Englishman's book?" You asked wryly as you pulled out cheese and pickles from the fridge. Toby blinked.

"I guess?" He answered, but he sounded unsure. "I think... I th-think *tic* someone cl-cl-close to me used to- to make them, but... I can't- I can't remember..."

You fell silent. Somehow you knew, Toby was talking about his sister. And the fact that he couldn't even remember it was her he was talking about was absolutely crushing.

To distract both yourself and him from melancholy thoughts, you turned your attention to Sally's up-and-coming tea party; "We should make sandwiches for Sally's tea party," you commented. "Go full-on British. Salmon and cucumber, cheese onion and tomato, cheese and pickle..."

Toby blinked, then grinned. "Heck yeah!" He cheered. "That'll be fun!" You grinned a little.

"And no peanut butter," you promised.

(I feel like Toby's the type to get excited about the small stuff, like making 400+ sandwiches for a tea party...
Was it canon that Toby had amnesia after becoming one of Slendy's proxies? My brain is insisting it is... forgive me if it's not, I don't have the wifi to check.
Also this prompt DEFINATELY ran away from me, but somehow, I don't think anyone will really mind XD.)

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