The One With The Blackout (feat. demonic glowing eyes à la terror)

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"All creepypasta's eyes glow red in the dark. If they have no eyes, then the general area of where their eyes would be would glow."

"Stupid blackouts," you cursed as you tripped over your own two feet for what felt like the fifteenth time in the last two minutes. "Stupid electric-powered mansion. Stupid human eyes that can't see in the dark." Seriously, what wouldn't you give to be a proxy of the Slenderman. The increased agility and endurance were convincing enough, the possible night vision just made the idea all the more appealing.

"Slender! Where do you keep your flashlights?" You yelled down the stairs, finally fed up with nearly killing yourself every two seconds via falling. The reply was immediate, and came directly from your right, which scared the crap out of you.

"We don't have flashlights," Masky said, seemingly uncaring of the near-heart attack you'd just suffered. You glared at the proxy.

"Why?" You asked.

"Because we never have blackouts," the reply came from your left this time, right by your ear, and you screamed and swung your left arm outwards.

"Oi, watch it (Y/N)!" Hoodie said crossly as he grabbed ahold of your arm, stopping it mid-swing. You yanked your arm back.

"Maybe if you two wouldn't creep up on me I would feel the need to punch you lights out-" you paused, suddenly noticing a soft red glow lighting up the area. "I thought you guys said you didn't have flashlights?"

"We don't," Masky confirmed. He was behind you now. (How the two of them moved around so silently was beyond you.)

"Then what's the red glow?" Hoodie gave the impression of frowning.

"What red glow?" He asked. The bastard was in front of you now, and you spun around looking for him.

"The red glow that's lighting up the hallway," you said. "How do you not notice it?" Masky coughed.

"Oh, that red glow," he said. "Brian, (Y/N)'s referring to the eye thing." Hoodie "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'ed" in understanding.

Meanwhile, you were immensely confused, and borderlining on frustrated.

"What eye thing?" You asked impatiently. Masky turned to you.

"Creepypasta eyes glow in the dark," he explained. "Usually it's shades of red, though occasionally they're other colors too." You blinked.

"Oh. Ok." A thought suddenly occurred to you. "What about Slender and Eyeless? They don't have eyes." Hoodie shrugged.

"Still glows," he said, right behind you, and this time you really did club him upside the head.

"Ah, jeez (Y/N)," he said thickly. "I think you broke my nose." You wrung out your hand.

"Serves you right," you said. "Shouldn't have sneaked up on me." Masky sighed.

"We'll be back, (Y/N)," he said. "'Have to go get some candles for LJ before-" A scream pierced the air. Masky's eyes widened.

"That happens," he breathed. "Shit, (Y/N), come help us with the candles." You nodded, hearing the urgency in his tone.

Speed was key, it would seem.

(Watch me be a real asshole and wait for that headcannon about LJ's nyctophobia to continue this oneshot XP)

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now