The One With The Zelda Game (feat. fangirls, coming in from above)

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"Most Creepypasta aren't afraid of anything, but there is one thing they fear above all:


"BEN," You ground out, grip white-knuckled on your controller. "I swear to God, if you don't stop backseat gaming I'm going to take this controller and kill you with it."

Behind you, the glitch in question whined, pulling on his hat anxiously.

"But- you make it so difficult not to!" He pointed out in a slightly pained voice. Beside him, Toby nodded, also looking a little pained.

"He's got a point, (Y/N)," he agreed, eye twitching as he watched you navigate your character through the game. "Its... Painful to *tic* watch." You pouted and turned back to your game.

How the hell were you supposed to know they were two of the worst when it came to backseat gaming? Granted, nobody could beat BEN when it came to that kind of thing, but Toby easily held second place.

"Why the hell are you playing with-without the book, any-anyways?" Toby asked, then turned to BEN. "There is a book, right?" The blond nodded, eyes not leaving the screen.

"Yep," he said tiredly. "Though why you'd need the book when I'm here... I mean, I know I'm known for Majora's Mask, but c'mon, I'm not that bad at the Twilight Princess either!" You rolled your eyes.

"Guys, shut up!" You exploded. "For the love of all things holy, I'm trying to concentrate!"

"Oh, are you playing the Twilight Princess?" EJ asked as he walked by. You groaned when he jumped over the couch to sit next to BEN and (presumably) help with the backseat gaming as well.

"That's what (Y/N) has told us they're doing, but I think they're trying to give me a migraine instead," BEN said, rubbing his temples. EJ knit his eyebrows and turned to Toby. The proxy sighed.

"They have very... r-roundabout ways of play-playing," he explained. "You'll see in a minute." EJ nodded, falling silent to watch you.

You counted down in your head. 3, 2, 1-!

"You do know you have to use the Gale Boomerang to get those bastards down, right?" You sighed and hit your head against the controller, forcefully and repeatedly.

"Hey hey hey!" BEN cried. "Be nice to my controller!" You stopped your destruction of your own brain cells long enough to give him the evil eye.

"Shut up BEN, I'm venting my frustrations," you snapped. BEN pinwheeled his arms.

"And what did my poor game controller do to deserve your wrath?" He asked, fingers knotted in his hair. "Cease and desist, villian!"

You were literally just about to act on your promise earlier about killing BEN with his own game controller when the front door slammed open.

Startled, the four of you whirled around in tandem, shocked at the sight that greeted your eyes.

The Slenderman leaned against the doorway, hunched over and breathing harshly. He was also trembling voilently, and, unless you were greatly mistaken, silently crying.

EJ cursed; "Shit," he muttered, jumping over the side of the couch. He hovered near the distraught faceless entity, clearly unsure of exactly what he was doing.

"Um, Slendy?" He asked uncertainty. "What... Happened?" Slender drew in a shuddering breath.

"They just... I-I was- they ambushed me!" He burst out. "One minute they weren't there, the next they were!" He clung onto EJ's lapels, much to the cannibal's alarm.

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now