The One With The Origin Story (feat. guest stars toby and clockwork)

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"It took Slendy nearly an entire year to find Clockwork because she was so good at covering her tracks. It was by sheer luck that she ran into Toby one day, and, after an intense battle, the twitchy proxy managed to bring her back to the mansion, though it took six months for her to finally accept that this was her home now, three for her to stop attacking Toby for bringing her here, another 2 for her to realize that it was for the best, and 2 and a half for her to actually grow like the place, in that exact order. Slendy's still not sure if bringing her to the mansion was a good idea, considering how much blood was she'd during her 'trial period', despite the fact that she's proven herlsef to be a valuable ally to them time and time again."

Toby trekked through the fvjorest, grumbling silently to himself.

"O-of all all the people, *tic* he had-d to send me," he muttered, kicking a rock angrily. Proxy-enhanced strength ensured it flew through the air and into the creek below, the resounding splash! ensuring it made it to the water.

What was Toby's job, exactly?


Find the famed killer "Clockwork," and bring her to the mansion.

Easier said than done, right?


For starters, she was incredibly good at covering her tracks. Slendy's been looking for nearly a year now, and has found next to nothing.

Secondly, she's a skilled fighter. The few times Toby encountered her, blood was always shed, some of it his, some of it hers. Either way, somehow she always managed to slip away.

The masked proxy grimaced. Well, not this time. This time, he was sure as hell going to win.

(Mostly because he was sick and tired of Slender sending him out in the middle of the fucking night to go track this girl down, like who the fuck did he think he was anyways?)

A sudden rustling from his left grabs his attention and he paused, unclipping his hatchets from his belt. It probably wasn't the elusive Clockwork, but one could never be too careful. Toby wasn't 100% sure what kind of monsters lurked around Slender's forest, but he knew for a fact he didn't want to meet one unarmed.

Slowly, the brunet rotated on the spot, amberish eyes narrowed behind luminous goggles.

He'll deny it vehemently in the future, but he screamed like a small child when a knife flew out of the darkness and nailed him in the shoulder.

Mumbling curses to himself, he yanked the blade out of his shoulder, unconcerned about the steady stream of blood running from his shoulder. It wasn't bothering him (yet) but he would definately get an earful from EJ later about "taking care of himself."

"V-v-very funny *tic* J-Jeff!" He called out into the trees, irritated. "J-j-just so you know, EJ w-will have have your head *tic* on on a platter if h-he f-finds out you stabbed... me..."

He trailed off, staring at the knife laying on the ground. That wasn't Jeff's knife.

Immediately, he whirled around, bringing a hatchet up just in time to stop the swing of a blade that certianly would've spelled his end had it met his flesh.

Alarmed amber eyes met a furious green one, and Toby smirked behind his mask.

Found you.

Now, the only trouble would be getting her back to the mansion, Toby thought wryly as he dodged and parried various blows. Alive, of course, she was no use to Slender dead, even if it would save them a hell of a lot of trouble in the long run, he thought.

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now