The One With The Crush (feat. toby's date with the door)

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"Despite what most people think, Toby didn't follow Clocky around like a lost puppy-dog wanting to be her friend. The truth is they both hated each other at first, and would have frequent fights. After a while, they tolerated each other, then became friends. Then Toby developed a crush on Clockwork, and the rest is history."

"I-I've got a *tic* pro-problem," Toby announced. In the armchair by the fire, Masky looked up from his book.

"We've all got problems, but sure, shoot." Toby sighed and plopped down on the carpet.

"It's Clock-Clockwork," he said after a beat of silence. Masky was instantly on guard.

"She trying to kill you again?" He asked. Toby shook his head, looking miserable.

"No, b-b-but I almost wish she *tic* would," he said. "Definantly preferable to whatever the f-fuck she's doing now." Masky frowned and bookmarked his page.

"Why? What's she doing?" Toby groaned and dug the heels of his palms into his eyes.

"Nothing!" He cried. "She's doing l-literally nothing, and yet *tic* she's still ma-managed to fuck up my concentration!"

"I heard Toby wailing about the unfairness of life, what did I miss?" Hoodie asked as he walked into the room. Masky rolled his eyes as Hoodie perched himself on the arm of his chair.

"Apparently Clockwork has invested in some witchcraft or something," he drawled, before pushing Hoodie off. "Get off my chair, baka." The hooded proxy rolled his eyes, but made himself comfortable on the floor and leaned against Masky's armchair.

"So Clockwork's got witchcraft now?" He asked, the amusment clear in his tone even through the layers of Sigma distorting his voice. "Cool. I'll call up Ally, she'll get a kick outta that-"

"Guys, come on, Cl-Clockwork doesn't have witchcraft," Toby said crossly, then hesitated. "Does she?" Masky snorted.

"Not as far as I'm concerned," he drawled. "But seriously, what's eatin' at you?" Toby sighed.

"I... She's on m-my mind *tic* constantly," he said. "Like, no m-m-matter what I do, I can't stop *tic* th-thinking about her." Hoodie coughed into his elbow, sounding suspiciously like he was saying 'oblivious.' Toby glared at him for a moment before Masky gestured for him to continue.

"It's even *tic* scr-screwing up my work ethic," he said. "Like, yesterday, I was out on a kill, right? And it was going so well! Guts were going everywhere, the police hasn't arrived yet, literally perfect! And then," he hesitated.

"And then sh-she opened *tic* her eyes," he said quietly. "And I kid you not, her eyes were the same c-c-color as Clockwork's. And, and then sud-suddenly all I could see was Clockwork in her position, *tic* and s-suddenly I couldn't kill her anymore." The brunet buried his face in his hands.

"Do you h-have any idea how humiliating that, that is?" He asked, words muffled by his palms. "I had t-to get Jeff to go back and kill her, Jeff of all people, *tic* and all because-" he looked up, betrayal written all over his features. "Hey, you're laugh-laughing at me!"

Found out, Masky and Hoodie dissolved into two twin fits of giggles while Toby watched them with a hurt expression.

"S-sorry," Masky gasped, fighting to keep his laughter in check. "I just-" More laughter. "Think about it Toby, really think about it."

The younger proxy frowned but did the other suggested.

Not two seconds later, his face colored a rather impressive shade of red.

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