The One With The Music (feat. ej losing his shit)

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"All of EJ's senses were increased tenfold when he became a demon. Hearing, smell, you name it. As such, his hearing is better then that of a moth. After discovering this, BEN and Jeff decided to take it upon themselves to exploit this particular 'advantage' by playing music so softly that no one but EJ can hear it, and watching him eventually lose his shit because it drives him mad."

Eyeless Jack had a problem.

This problem (or Problem™, if you prefer) was the faint, tinny ice-cream-truck-tune playing on loop somewhere to his immediate right.

He'd looked, of course, for the source of said music, but it just seemed to move further away the harder he looked. It was a depressing cycle, really, and somewhere along the line Jack had started to wonder if he was hallucinating the whole thing.

(It wasn't unheard of- Sigma Radiation could do funny things to the mind, and right now Slender was having a row with a crossword puzzle, so it was entirely possible the Sigma was thickened, and, ergo, causing hallucinations.)

But, Jack had to admit, if his head was playing tricks on him, it would probably be more inclined to send him chasing after images of kidneys like some weird reversed Macbeth.

(Knives and kidneys were similar, weren't they? Jack wondered, a little dazed. They both tasted like blood, for one. They were both found in the human body- well, a knife was more often put in the body with a significant degree of force- focus, Jack.)

Either way, hallucination or not, it was driving him nuts.


Meanwhile, just in the other room, Jeff and BEN were laughing himself stupid.

"He looks so tortured," BEN gasped, one hand at his side. "Oh my God, I can't breathe, I can't breathe-"

"Turn it up," Jeff wheezed, then immediately shook his head. "No no, better idea- turn it off, put it behind his head, then CRANK THE VOLUME."

BEN stuck his fist in his mouth to stifle his laughter, then, nodding frantically, manipulated the electronic fields in the room to move the acoustic waves closer to where EJ was trying (and failing) not to lose his shit at the absence of said acoustic waves.

(In normal speak: BEN was manipulating the wifi in the room to play music wherever he so wished. Such are the glories of being a computer virus and a videogame glitch.)

Anyways- the music was in position, however silent. BEN gave Jeff the thumbs up, then cranked the volume.

Maybe not the best idea.

Immediately, Jack leaped to his feet, spitting and snarling like a demented cat.


BEN and Jeff both froze at the sound of dual tones forming and shifting in Jack's voice, then looked at each other in horror.

"Run?" Jeff asked in a small voice. BEN nodded jerkily.


(Spent five minutes cackling at this because EJ just reminds me of Daredevil now, because of his enhanced senses.
Also yes I skipped the last headcanon. Why, you ask? Because I didn't want to write it. And like with letsplays, if I don't want to write it/have no fun writing it, you won't enjoy reading it. I've got a few reserve-headcanons backed up, so don't worry about only having 199 one shots in this book instead of 200.)

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now