The One With The Shift (feat. a present from one of thete's incarnations)

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"Slendy's forest is difficult to explain. He doesn't own the entire thing, just the mansion and the trees surrounding it. That area is enchanted, and can appear in any forest in any part of the world. This way, you could search for Slendy's mansion for years and never find it."

"WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!" You shouted, bursting through the door, EJ hot on your heels.

On the couch, BEN gave a girlish scream and just about jumped a mile; "Jesus Harold Christ, (Y/N), the fuck?!"

You ran past him; "No time! Where's the Slenderman?!"

BEN turned around to stare at you quizzically; "I think he's in the study? Why?"

"SCP!" EJ wheezed, hand clamped around his side. "Their- their German branch is- it's eff-"

Without warning, the eyeless cannibal's eyes suddenly rolled up back into his head, and he collapsed like his strings had been cut. BEN cursed and vaulted over the back of the couch.

"Fuck fuck- MASKY!" He hollered. "HOODIE! TOBY!"

The proxies all ran in, eyes wide; "What, what?" They demanded, faces going pale when they saw Jack's prone body on the floor. "Oh shit. SCP?"

BEN nodded; "Unfortunately," he confirmed, form glitching with panic every now and again. "Masky- get EJ to the operating room. Toby, you're with me- defend the borders. Hoodie, take (Y/N) to the Slenderman, we've gotta jump ship."

They all nodded, and a second later Hoodie was tugging you along, up a secret staircase you didn't know existed.

"SLENDER!" He screamed, Sigma making his voice cut out into static at irregular intervals. "WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!"

At the top of the stairs, a hole in the wall opened, and the Slenderman poked his head out; "Brian?" he asked, sounding immensely confused. "What's-"

"THE SCP ARE AT THE BORDERS!" Hoodie yelled, crying out in pain when the buzz of static suddenly filled the air, hands coming up to cover his ears. "Motherfucker-"

Slender swept past him, taking the steps two at a time; "Where is everyone? Are they in the borders?"

Hoodie hurried to catch up to him; "I think so," he said. "EJ and Masky are in the operating room, and Toby and BEN are defending the borders, but I don't know about anyone else."

Slender took a hard right; "Then find them, please."

Hoodie nodded once, then bolted in the opposite direction, up the main set of stairs you were used to taking.

"With me, (Y/N), and hurry- I don't know how long BEN and Toby can hold the front for."

You nodded once and ran ahead, struggling to keep pace with the Slenderman's furious pace; "Where are we going?"

"To activate our greatest weapon," Slender answered gravely. "The SCP must never know we have this, or we will all be in insurmountable danger."

You really hated the sound of that; "Even you?"

"Especially me."

Slender directed you to a small, circular doorway, so unassuming you wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't pointed it out.

"Inside, quickly!" He said, pulling the door open. (It should be noted that said door had no handle.)

Inside was bigger, because of course it was bigger; "Holy shit," you breathed, terror at the SCP momentarily forgotten in the face of the pure amazingness in front of your eyes. "How-"

"A visit from one of Thete's incarnations," Slender said as he putted about, flipping switches and levers. "He- She- owed me one."

You decided not to question it.

Hoodie poked his head in the door; "Everyone's accounted for," he said. "We're good to go."

Slender nodded, then put his hand on the only lever he hadn't switched, hesitating at the last moment; "(Y/N), stay close to me," he said. "I don't know what will happen to you when the mansion makes a Shift, as you don't have your own Sigma Signature yet."

You knit your eyebrows. The hell was a Shift?

You didn't have time to question this, however, as in the next second Slender's hand shot out and grabbed ahold of your shoulder in a painfully tight grip at the same time as his other one flipped the switch it had been deliberating over.

Immediately your world flipped upside-down, inside-out, ass-over-tits, and through the second dimension once or twice before coming to rest around six inches to the left of where it had been originally.

You immediately collapsed to your knees and heaved, coughing and gagging; "What the fuck was that?" You managed before doubling over again.

Slender straightened his already impeccably straight tie and started flipping switches again; "We made a Shift."

"Yeah, I got that," you snarled. "What the hell does that mean?"

"We're in another country," a voice from the doorway said, and you looked over to see Hoodie standing there. "Far away."

"How far is far away?" You managed, and Hoodie looked at Slender.

The faceless entity looked over at a nearby globe; "Errr.... somewhere in Madagascar, I believe."

Your eyes went wide; "Madagascar?" You wheezed. Slender nodded.

"Madagascar," he confirmed, and you frowned.

"I- won't someone notice the sudden appearance of a pine forest?" You asked. "Since Madagascar's not really known for its lush and vast hectares of coniferous trees."

Slender shot you a warning glare; "We didn't move the entire forest," he said. "Just the mansion and the trees surrounding it."

"Oh." You went quiet for a moment, then turned to Hoodie; "And we're safe from the SCP?"

The proxy nodded; "Yeah," he confirmed. "Any agents that were on the field would've been vaporized when we made the shift, so..."

The inside of your mouth went dry; "No sigma signature?"

Hoodie nodded; "No sigma signature," he confirmed.

"Damn," you muttered. "How do I get one of those?"

"It's just something your body will naturally acquire, (Y/N)," Slender answered, walking towards the exit. "There isn't really any way to speed it up, at least not without causing several potentially deadly side effects."

You went pale; "Alright," you squeaked. "I can wait."

Hoodie snorted; "Come on," he said, beckoning you forward. "Let's go check the wards on the West Wing."

(Ok not gonna lie this really isn't my best work but like.... I don't want to edit it anymore? I'm very done with it? Ugh just writing in general man why's it gotta be so difficult? I need a cup of tea-)

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