The One With The Fight (feat. the bullet lodged in toby's scapula)

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"Despite what most people think, these two have a pretty positive relationship. Masky is like the older brother Toby never had, and Toby is like the slightly annoying younger brother Masky never had."

"So... They don't hate each other?" You asked, watching Toby and Masky discussing a joint kill they planned to go on this afternoon. Hoodie gave you a sideways look.

"No, of course not," he said. "They're pretty good friends. Why would they hate each other?" You shrugged.

"All the fans seem to think they hate each other," you explained. Hoodie rolled his eyes.

"Stupid fans," he muttered under his breath, then turned to address you. "Naw, that headcannon is pretty inaccurate- Masky and Toby have a pretty positive relationship," there was a crash, and Hoodie winced. "When they aren't trying to kill each other, that is." You frowned and looked over at the two proxies, who were, as Hoodie implied, currently trying to kill each other.

You watched them for a minute, then hesitatly voiced a question that had been on your mind for quite a while now; "Hoodie? If everyone here are friends, why do they try to kill each other?" The masked proxy fell silent for a moment, and for a second you feared you'd offended him, but then he spoke up.

"Its just... The way we roll," he explained. "I don't really know how to explain it. Not many of us are good at settling arguments with words, so we fight instead," he gave you a sideways look. "Humans do the same, just on a larger scale. We're only different 'cause we have others to stop us before sombody gets seriously hurt."

He left to go break up the fight at this point (Masky was unable to use his left arm at this point and Toby had a bullet lodged in his scapula) leaving you to ponder on his words.

It was true, you thought. Although all fights are bloody, not one person has died- yet, you thought, but honestly, you got the feeling that nobody ever would.

(Right, so, at the time I'm writing this (Feb 10, 2018) the first week of semester two just ended, and my god do I get a lot of homework. I don't really know what's going to happen to the update schedule, I still have pre-written chapters whilst writing this, but at the time I post this chapter, there is a possibility that updates may become slightly sporadic, or, if I run out of oneshots, the gap in which I stockpile them again may be longer than usual. Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up.
EDIT AS OF TODAY: haha past me was right I've run out of oneshots fml)

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