The One With The Demon Blood (feat. a pleasant tumble down the stairs)

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"The black goop that falls from EJ’s eye sockets has AMAZING healing properties, almost as good as Slendy’s blood. Several tenants have ingested it one way or another, believing it to be some sort of magical chemical. EJ has yet to correct them."

You stood in the corner of the room, ashen and pale as you watched LJ rip the intenstines out of some poor schmuck. You shivered at the gurgling sounds the man was making, and hearing LJ's soft giggles made everything worse. (AN- just gonna say this now, I know traditionally, LJ kills children, but I really didn't wanna write out the torture of a five year old, so I've gone with this instead- more inside my comfort zone.)

"Are you having fun yet?" He asked the man. Quite foolishly, the person in question weakly shook their heads. LJ's smile vanished.

"No? Well, let me see if I can rectify that," he said, (WARNING! GORE) before digging one clawed finger into the man's eye. You sqeeuzed your eyes shut at the squelching sound it made, and clamped your hands over your ears to block out the man's pained cries.

SPLAT! A dull squishing sound reached your ears, and against your better judgement you cracked open one eye to see the man's eyeball laying smushed on the ground.

That did it- you raced out of the room, one hand over your mouth as the gagging started. You collapsed in front of the toilet just in time, and regurgitated your dinner down the drain.

You fell back, trembling, and cursing your luck.

Really, it was your fault. A prank by Toby and Clockwork gone horribly wrong, and you were caught in the crossfire. Your punishment?

Go with the others on their kills for a week.

You shivered violently upon remembering the brutal torture LJ put that man through. Out of all the pasta you could've gone with, he was the worst. (Either him or Toby... Possibly Jeff too- the way he laughs as he stabs his victims scares you.)

It's strange to you too. Back at the mansion, they always struck you as being the pasta the fandom portrayed them as- they were the headcannons brought to life. (The good ones, that is.)

But out here... Its a different story. At first it was like their personalities did complete 180's, but after hanging around them for so long, you've started to see the blurred lines where the two personalities meet.

You were so lost in thought, you didn't hear the man's wife coming up the stairs until it was too late.

Her startled gasp was all you heard before she was right up in your face.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She noticed the blood covering your clothes (as mentioned before, LJ was a very messy killer) "Why are you covered in blood?" She looked towards the floor, noticing your bloody footprints leading away from the master bedroom. Fear filled her eyes.

"You- what did you do?" Her voice trembled violently. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

Deep down, you thought she was jumping to conclusions. So what if you were covered in blood and your bloody footprints were leading towards the master bedroom?


Yeah, on second thought, maybe she wasn't jumping to conclusions.

"(Y/N) didn't do anything," an accented (I just love accents, really, I truly do) voice spoke up from behind the woman, making both of you jump. You hadnt noticed Laughing Jack standing there. "That dead body in there? Yeah, that was all my doing," he absentmindedly wiped some blood off his fingers with the excess of his shirt and have the lady what he probably thought was a charming grin, but was marred by the blood on his face. "Pretty nice, eh?"

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now