The One With The Flaming Trashcan (feat. ej's favourite shirt)

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"The black goop from EJ's eye sockets stains, so he's had to throw out several of his favourite shirts because he got the goop on them."


You jumped a mile when EJ stormed into the kitchen, a lack of a mask allowing you to see just how pissed he was as he yanked his shirt off and tossed it in the trash.

You stared at him, cereal forgotten (it was gonna get soggy, part of your brain whined) wondering what the hell had gotten the cannibal so mad.

"Ehm... EJ?" You ventured carefully, well aware of the danger of a mad creepypasta.

"What." To stall, you slowly ate a spoonful of cereal. (Its all soggy and gross, your brain complained. Ewwwwww.)

"May I inquire as to what has you so... Wound up?" You chose your words carefully, lest you make EJ even more angry.

The eyeless cannibal sighed and ran a hand through his hair agitatedly. (Don't think that's a word either.)

"I got tar on my favourite shirt," he muttered sadly. You blinked. EJ sighed again.

"Demon tar," he clarified. You nodded in understanding, well-versed in the strange (and destructive) properties of demonic tar.

"Could you... Wash it out?" You asked. It was a fair question, and EJ knew it. The physics of demon tar were very fickle, and under the right circumstances, it could do just about anything.

EJ shook his head; "No, it's absorbing water today." You fell silent, pondering on what to do about EJ's shirt dillemna (what? You were a problem solver) when all of a sudden, the trash can exploded.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" You gasped, eyes wide as saucers. They widened further upon realizing that, of course, the trashcan was now on fire. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK, JESUS CHRIST!"

(And it was only Monday too, you beamoned silently.)

(There seems to be a recurring theme of fire, I've noticed... Not sure if I'm sorry or not.)

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now