The One With The Hat Theft (feat. the many (read: two) voices of BEN)

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"BEN has two voices; his normal voice (which sounds like a distorted and glitched computerized voice) and an 'ordinary' voice, which is just a normal human voice. He doesn't use the latter much, as it's too much strain on his already weakened lungs."

You ran through the halls, breathless with laughter. You clutched the green hat your were holding to your chest, and stole a glance behind you, smirking when you didn't see an enraged computer glitch following you.

Stealing BEN's hat had been an idea created by Jeff, LJ, and yourself, and you had been nominated to the dangerous task of actually stealing the hat.

It had been quite easy, actually. BEN hadn't suspected anything, right up until you swiped his hat off his head and made a run for it.

You rounded a corner, dashing by EJ, who just stared at you with a look of "wtf" written all over his mask-less face.

You only laughed out loud and continued running, however. EJ would know what happened later in the day, when BEN fries all the circuits in the house. (It's happened before.)


You skidded to a stop, your own momentum nearly sending you flying. You rightened yourself quickly, mind wheeling.

What the hell was that?

It... It sounded like BEN, if BEN suddenly turned human, and it was stupidly unnerving. You could almost imagine a younger, happier, more innocent BEN Drowned running around (read: playing video games) when you heard the voice, and it sent shivers up and down your spine.

You were so involved in your own inner musings, you didn't notice when BEN came zooming down the hall.

You did notice, however, when he crashed into you and sent the two of you tumbling to the ground.

"Aha! Oh my precious, I promise to never let you off my head again!" There it was again, that 'normal' BEN voice. If you thought just hearing it was strange, than seeing it come out of BEN's mouth was a whole new level of weird.

You sat up, watching BEN curiously. It took him a minute, but he eventually noticed your staring.

"What?" He asked. You flinched upon hearing his glitched and mechanicalized voice again; though it was familiar, it was always a bit jarring if you weren't expecting it.

"How did you do that?" You asked. BEN knit his eyebrows.

"Do what?" He asked.

"The voice thing," you explained. "You sounded... Human." BEN snorted.

"Very eloquent," he drawled. "Cool, isn't it? If I manipulate my vocal chords just right, I can make my voice sound 'human,' as you put it," he shrugged. "I don't do it often though, it's a bit of a strain on my lungs. Leaves me a bit winded." You nodded absentmindedly.

"It was clever though, yeah?" He asked, a hint of pride in his voice. "Using BEN Au Natural to get you to jump?" He sniggered quietly. "Works every time. Now," His smile suddenly dissapeared, replaced by a scowl.

"Why the hell did you steal my hat?"

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now