The One With The Pocket Dimension (feat. guest star fire extinguisher)

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"LJ has his own 'pocket dimsnsion' with him at all times. He can just stick his arm out anywhere and come up with whatever he needs. None of the creepypastas know how this works, except LJ himself."

"WE NEED A FIRE EXTINGUISHER!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. "BEN AND JEFF GOT IN A FIGHT AGAIN!"

Currently, the living room was bathed in flames. BEN didn't seem to mind, but you had a feeling Jeff's (admittedly small) pyrophobia had kicked up.

You'd go comfort him later, you thought hastily as you looked around wildly for something to put the fore out with. Right now you had to stop the mansion from burning to the ground. (And this was the third time this week too, gosh darnet.)

"Fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher- LJ?! Where dafuq did you come from?" The monochrome entity smiled mischievously.

"Never you mind that," he said. "Here," he handed you a fire extinguisher he seemingly pulled from nowhere. "I heard you needed a fire extinguisher." You blinked.

"Where the hell did you get this?" You asked as you went about the (routine) process of putting out the fire. "I thought we were out?" LJ giggled.

"Pocket dimension," he explained smugly. "Have it with me at all times." You stared at him, unimpressed.

"No you don't," you said. LJ raised an eyebrow. You frowned. "Do you?" The monochrome entity snorted.

"Of course I do," he said. "Where else would I have gotten the extinguisher at such short notice?" You frowned.

"So how's it work?" You asked. LJ paused.

"I don't really know how to explain it," he admitted after a beat of silence. "Its kind of a 'have to have it to understand it' kind of thing." You nodded absentmindedly, finally killing the last of the flames.

"Finally," you muttered, easing up on the fire extinguisher. "Thought it would never- hey!" You shouted out in surprise as the fire extinguisher in your hands suddenly poofed away in a puff of black smoke. LJ whistled innocently. You glared at him.

"What?" He asked. "It had to go back to the pocket dimension." You sighed, exasperated.

"Of course it did," you muttered. "Come on, let's go explain to Slender why the living room is trashed. Again."

(drinking game: take a shot (OF WATER) every time i say fire extinguisher.)

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