The One With The Bottle Rocket (feat. ben the computer glitch)

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"Parts of BEN's body are actually code. He's rather self-conscious about this."

"This is gonna be awesome," BEN muttered as you taped another bottle of coke onto the makeshift rocket the two of you were building. You rolled your eyes.

"Granted that it doesn't blow up in our faces yeah," you said, securing the last piece of duct tape. "Alright, it's ready." BEN's bright red irises flared in excitement.

"Come on, let's go!" He said, already halfway out the back door. "This'll teach that fucker Jeff to mess with my games." You bit your lip.

"You sure this is a good idea?" You asked. BEN waved your concerns off.

"Please, what could go wrong?" He replied. "It's just a harmless prank." You snorted.

"Launching twelve bottles of mento-charged coke up into Jeff's room is not a harmless prank, BEN," You said. "It's a cry for murder." The videogame glitch rolled his eyes.

"Relax," he said. "It'll be fine." You pursed your lips but followed him outside nevertheless, squinting in the harsh sunlight.

"Alright," BEN muttered to himself as he set up the camera while you focused on getting your eyes to adjust to the onslaught of light that invaded your eyes.

By the time your pupils shrunk down to size, BEN was 'lighting' the rocket. You didn't think anything of it until you realized BEN had fucked up majorly in one aspect:

The rocket was upside-down.

"BEN, NO!" You shrieked, just as the rocket achieved what would have been liftoff.

Instead of the graceful arc you'd been expecting/hoping for, the rocket jumped a few feet in the air and then fell to the ground, lifeless.

You looked at the rocket through your fingers, hardly daring to believe it.

It... hadn't exploded?

You just had to jinx it, didn't you?

The minute the thought crossed your mind, the rocket exploded with loud bang! dousing both you and BEN in Coca-Cola.

"What the fuck?" BEN shouted as he stumbled away, trying to protect himself from the spray. There was no point, he was soaked to the bone already.

"You set it up upside down!" You wailed as you tugged the virus away from the exploding rocket.

You slipped on a patch of wet grass, however, and fell down- right in time to get a jet of coke to the face.

"Gah!" Based on the gurgling sounds next to you, BEN had gotten the same treatment.

By the time the flow tapered off (who knew a twelve pack of coke could pack such a punch?) you and BEN were covered in coke. Your hair was sticking to your face, and you suspected that BEN's hat was now permanently stained, something you were sure BEN wouldn't be happy about.

"Well," BEN pushing his sopping wet hair out of his eyes. "That was... An experience." You glared at him.

"You friggin' idiot," you hissed. "I told you to check with me before launching it!" BEN threw his hands in the air.

"I forgot!" He said. "Besides, I got more soaked than you did in the end."

You had to admit the glitch had a point. While you had taken a direct hit to the face, BEN had literally been standing over the rocket when it went supernova. He was completely soaked.

You sighed, letting your arms fall to your sides.

"Whatever," you muttered. "Just... Check with me next time, ok?" It was a weak-ass comeback, and you knew it, but you literally could not give a shot at this point. You were cold, sticky, and oh my god the coke has gotten in your ear.

"-and I'm wearing green, do you know how difficult it is to get stains out of green- (Y/N)?" BEN noticed the horrified look on your face. "What's wrong?"

"There is coke in my ear," you whispered. "There is COKE IN MY EAR!" BEN jumped back at your tone.

"Relax!" He fretted. "It won't reach your brain! Probably." You froze.

"I am going inside," you said. "I am taking a shower and you better not get any coke on the floor! I just washed it yesterday!" BEN, seeming to sense that your inner clean freak homicidal maniac was about to rear its head, quickly nodded.

"Aye aye captain!" He said quickly. You glared at him a moment longer before turning on your heel and marching inside.


You'll deny it vehemently in the future, but you screamed bloody murder and jumped about five feet in the air when BEN's shoulder suddenly glitched out into pixels.

Look, it surprised you, alright? One minute there was flesh (or tightly packed-code, you weren't really sure what BEN was made of exactly, you'd have to ask him later) and then the next there was just... Techy-binary-esq code. Not to mention you didn't know if this meant his form was destabilizing or something like that...

You were very concerned for your friend, alright?

The videogame glitch whirled around, a green (of course it was green, everything is green with this boy) shirt clutched in his hand as he looked for the (presumed) trouble.

"Where's the water?" He exclaimed. You ran a hand through your hair.

"BEN your shoulder is in pixels," you blurted. Then came the word vomit: "Are you ok, like does this happen often are you gonna glitch out into nothingness Jesus Christ-"

"Woah, woah," BEN interrupted your spiel. "It's fine, it's fine, its perfectly normal." You breathed a sigh of relief and sagged against the wall.

"Jesus BEN," you muttered. "I thought you were a goner there for a second, don't do that." BEN flushed and looked down at the shirt in his hands.

"Sorry," he muttered, embarrassment reflected in his tone. You pushed yourself off the wall and inspected his shoulder, either unaware or uncaring of his tensed-up frame.

"So, does this just happen?" You asked. "Or..." You tailed off when you noticed BEN's state: fidgity, blushing, and avoiding eye contact. Not to mention he had a killer frown on.

"BEN? Are you... Ok?" You asked. BEN exhaled.

"I'm fine," he said, pulling his shirt up over his head. "I'm just... Kind of self conscious about the whole thing." Your eyes met your hairline in surprise.

"Why?" The question tumbled out of your mouth without your meaning to. BEN gave you a deadpan stare.

"Parts of my body are blocks of code, (Y/N)," he said flatly, as if that explained everything. And in a way, you supposed it did.

"Well, if it's any consolation, I think it's pretty cool," you said offhandedly, smirking slightly when BEN flushed a violent shade of scarlet.

"Shaddup (Y/N)," he whined, pulling on his elf ears. You snickered silently to yourself and walked off, wincing when you remembered the coke you'd yet to clean out of your ear.

You just hoped to God BEN was lying about what he said about it rwachifn your brain.

(Ahhhh this one is so horrible I'm sorry everyone I just couldn't get it right :( I cannot believe I wrote over 1,000 words of this..... *Sigh* and there was so much potential too...)

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