The One With The Pixels (feat. guest star pepper)

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"Whenever BEN sneezes, he'll temporarily lose control of his form and glitch out into pixels."

The plan was, in Jeff's own words, 'fucking brilliant.'

As you did not completely understand the point of said plan, you were hedging on the opinion of 'fucking pointless.'

It had to be good, though, only because Jeff kept breaking into giggles whenever he tried to explain it to you.

"It's just- I just-" Soundlessly, Jeff beat his fist against the floor, tears of laughter streaming down his face.

"It's too much," he wheezed. "I haven't slept for three days and it's too much ohmygod-"

You sighed; "I foresee a visit to EJ in the near future," you muttered, and Jeff quit laughing long enough to glare at you.

"Oi, no," he said crossly. "None of that. I'm fine."

You raised an eyebrow, and molded your expression into your best 'really? Really? You're really gonna try that, with me of all people? Really, Jeff?'

(It was a very particular expression.)

"Alright, maybe 'fine' is too strong a word," Jeff admitted. "But EJ isn't a therapist, so tally-ho!"

You blinked at him, caught of guard, then replied without thinking; "You've been spending too much time with LJ."

Jeff snorted; "What gave it away?" He muttered. "My manner of speech or the-"

"BEN's in position!" You hissed suddenly, latching onto Jeff's arm.

In an instant, the smiling killer was alert and ready; "Alright," he said, wide eyes taking in the pepper you two had sprinkled everywhere. "In three, two, one-"

BEN sneezed. Then sneezed again.

Then glitched out into pixels.

Your jaw dropped; "What the hell?"

Jeff snickered quietly; "It's brilliant, isn't it?" He asked as the group of pixels (BEN) continued making sneeze noises. "BEN can't keep his form when he sneezes. It's hilarious."

You watched the sneezing pixels with something akin to alarm in your (e/c) eyes; "Jeff? If BEN doesn't stop sneezing, how is he going to reform?"

Jeff stopped laughing, and his eyes went wide.


(Can I just say I how much I love that when I ask you guys something in the comments, you guys ACTUALLY respond? Like I've been writing fic for around 5 years now (I feel old-) and I've NEVER had that happen on this scale before, it's so cool-
Also sorry this is so late, I struggled a bit (read: a lot) with it.
Also, don't be like Jeff, who's kept things bottled up and needs to talk to someone but won't. Talk to people. Times are crazy right now, so don't isolate yourself, kay? (Well, yes, social distancing, but don't cut off all communication.) Don't be like Jeff.)

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