The One With Jeff's Efficient Murder System (feat. vaguely questionable biology)

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"It took Slender three months to finhd Jeff. During those months, our pretty little psycho killed over 300 people."

"And what's this one?" You asked, pointing to a picture on the far right. Slenderman gave the impression of smiling tiredly.

"That picture was taken the day Jeff came to the mansion," he said. You nodded.

"Why is there so much blood?" You asked. The sight of the red liquid didn't bother you (living in a houseful of killers will do that to a person) but you couldn't deny you were curious as to why there was so much of it.

The Slenderman smiled thinly.

"It took me approximately three months to find Jeff," he said wryly. "During that time, he killed roughly around 300 people. He never bothered to wash the blood off, which is why there's so much of it." Your jaw dropped.

"Holy crap," you muttered, staring at the picture in awe. "That 1.5 people per day. Calm down Jeff."

(Reader-chan and Slendy's were looking through an old photo album. Just thought I'd clear that up.
Also, I can't take credit for the last sentence. It was originally a comment in my first creepypasta headcannons book. (I can't remember who left it. I'll go check later- that is if procrastination doesn't get the better of me.

Also, small note- the reason I've been absent in the other headcannon books is because I've kind of fallen into another fandom (not left creepypasta tho, not to worry) amd haven't found the motivation to keep writing headcannons. I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon, no need to worry)

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