The One With The Book Club (feat. toby killing jeff with his own knife)

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"Toby isn't a happy-go-lucky hyperactive kid, nor is he a moody teenager. He's admittedly more guarded then any person his age should be, but once you break down his inner walls and get past his snarky and rude exterior, you'll find he's actually quite a nice person. A bit insensitive and blunt, perhaps, but not a total asshole. Piss him off however, and all hell will break loose."

You were pleasantly surprised by Toby's demeanor when you first met him. Well. 'Terrified' would be a more accurate description, perhaps, but 'pleasantly surprised' works just as well, in my humble opinion.

(Who am I? The narrator of the story, of course. Please carry on.)

Honestly, you weren't sure why you were expecting any different- canonically, Toby was- well, canonically, Toby was kind of an asshole, but that wasn't the point- in terms of how the fandom portrayed him, he was a happy-go-lucky kid.

This was. Not your experience.

Toby had quite possibly the worst case of gallow's humor you'd ever seen on a person, and, was, again: an asshole. Generally quite a nice person once you got to know him and became friends with him, you'd found, but before that: not a nice person, with a temper to boot.

Well, maybe rephrase: incredibly patient, but fucking terrifying once his last button had been pushed.

You witnessed this first-hand.

It was a combination of a few things that that quote-on-quote 'pushed [Toby's] last button' on that particular day, but as far as you could tell, it started when Jeff and Jane's truce ended.

Really, it had been a long time coming. Slender had forced them to make peace after they'd accidentally torn the chandelier from the ceiling, but the tension had been bubbling just under the surface for weeks now, and today it finally boiled over.

Case in point: any room Jeff and Jane entered was thereby declared a literal warzone, regardless of who was there first.

In the living room, there were three such occupants: Eyeless Jack, you, and Toby. All of you in an animated discussion about one book or another, when Jane and Jeff burst into the room, yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs.

Jeff had a rather severe cut above his eyebrow that was bleeding directly into his left eye; Jane was supporting a wicked gash to her right shoulder. Both had forgone their signature catchphrases, which as testament to how far the fight had progressed- both were out for the kill.

Completely used to this kind of behavior, Jack and Toby didn't falter, discussion turning rather heated as it turned to the finer intricacies of the novel; the ones that make you pause and go; "Yes. This is fucking beautiful; I'm going to start sobbing-"

You, on the other hand, pulled back a little, turning a wary eye on Jane and Jeff as the former slammed the latter onto the coffee table, plunging a knife into the hardwood where his head had been a moment later.

Without looking over at the two, EJ said; "Slender is going to kill you if he realizes you've put another gouge in his table, you know."

Jeff gritted his teeth and threw Jane off him, following with a knife a second later.

"Die!" He hissed, making a frustrated noise in the back of his throat when Jane parried his next blow.

Meanwhile, back in the book discussion, Toby's eye had started twitching.

"Jeff. Jane." He raised his voice a little to be heard over the clash of steel on steel. "Could you possibly try to kill each other, I don't know, l-literally anywhere else?"

Creepypasta Headcannon Oneshots: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now