Chapter 9. - Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

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Well this time I actually wasn't looking forward to being tutored by Edgy Reggie. After Sunday's little incident. I guess it bothered my that he didn't do anything, but what was he supposed to do? We weren't friends or anything? And I didn't want to be. Not him. Definitely.

"Afternoon." I said simply as I walked into out spot at the library where he already was and sat down on the wooden chair next to him. We were at a desk in the corner surrounded by brown and beige bookshelves, I had to admit I did like the smell of books and fresh parchment but being here with Regulus was uncomfortable.

I was usually pretty friendly but now I was speaking only when spoken to, giving answers that were no longer than needed. "So I take it you have revision on Felix Felicis to do?" He asked me after clearing his throat.

"Yeah, I've got notes." I said simply and got them out on the desk, little square sheets of parchment with messy bullet points. They really annoyed neater students like Lily but I was making a better effort than Sirius and James.

"Maybe if you neatened them up a bit they would be easier to revise from." Regulus suggested, he almost sounded like he was trying to he helpful.

"Well I was going to last night but I was held up on my way to the Hall. Tight schedule." I stated bluntly as I write down my notes neater and with more important detail.

Regulus sighed, I was not sure if he was sorry it happened or if he was sorry I mentioned it. "Look y/n you know how Mulciber is-"

"A terd."


I was rather taken aback when he agreed, well of course I was right but I was surprised he admitted that. "Well he's your friend so..."

"Well not everyone gets to choose who they're friends with." Regulus said simply but there was something about it that seemed almost sad? Maybe frustrated? I suppose he didn't get to choose, there was already one disowned child in the house of Black and that was Sirius. And of course his older cousin Andromeda but that was a while ago now.

"It's more that you didn't do anything. Couldn't you see how uncomfortable I was? He's revolting." I wrinkled my nose at the thought of Mulciber. Not even him doing anything just him in general, a right bulldog of a boy with flakes of dandruff in his blonde greasy hair. Nothing like Regulus who was tall with a sort of slender muscular figure and Raven black curly hair that was always neat but looked so soft... God! Getting distracted again?

Regulus frowned "Trust me I wanted to but it isn't that simple. Besides he's shit scared of you since you stunned him, that spell was pretty powerful." He smirked while doodling on a spare bit of parchment.

I laughed and shook my head, feeling a sense of achievement. "Good that's how I like it." I wasn't sure what he meant by it isn't that simple but I had a clue. If he stood up for me that would raise many pure blood eyebrows, better to protect himself.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, I neatened up my notes and Regulus did some of his own homework, I hummed Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy by Queen under my breath without realizing, apparently I did that when I was concentrating I don't know. "What's that song?" Regulus asked me while twirling his wand I'm his fingers, the way Sirius did but quicker and more polished.

"Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy." I replied while writing. I decided I wasn't in the mood to be angry with him, it was tiring.
He sat back in his chair and tapped his quill on the desk "By a muggle band?" He asked me.

I drew my attention away from my notes and looked up at him. "No." I lied smoothly "I'm not sure who by. I've got a record of them though, you should listen."

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