Chapter 3 - Potions

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Luckily, no questions were asked if I was talking to anyone and we sat by the lake to eat our lunch. When I looked over, I couldn't see my secret place so I had no idea if Regulus was still there.

Sirius was dancing along the edge of the little wooden dock, sometimes pretending he was going to fall just clowning around. "All the young dudessss" He sang loudly and James and I joined him.

We all sat on the dock. Lily had brought snacks and Marlene brought along butterbeer, I leaned back enjoying the sun on my face until I decided it was time to get him back. I acted like I was going to dance with him and let him twirl me round. "Guess what." I grinned

"What?" He smiled at me brightly and I pushed him straight into the lake. Except he grabbed onto my arm before he fell and dragged me in with him. We both hit the water with a splash.

I swam to the surface and gasped for air "Sirius!" I laughed and pushed him as we both swam back to the dock.

"Incoming!" Marlene called as she ran and did a flip into the lake, managing to splash all of us. Before long, all of us (even Peter) were having a swim. I had missed this badly, us all being together with no troubles. Of course there would always be some drama but it was hard to be anything but perfectly happy around people like this.





I looked over at Remus who was trying not to laugh at how badly I had just messed up my potion, it had to be pretty bad for it to explode it my face.
"Can I copy off your notes?" I sighed, we were brewing mood detecting potions and they should have been clear until someone put their hands on the cauldron then they would turn a certain colour depending on mood. Remus's was crystal clear, mine had been gooey and brown right before it exploded.

"Here you go." Lupin put his potions book in the middle of the table and even started getting me the right ingredients as I had to start over but of course Severus had something to say as usual.

"See you take no shame in getting a half breed to do all the work for you. Imagine being so incapable." He sneered.

I tried to ignore him and looked at Remus, who's usually rather pale skin had turned bright red. In first year he punched Snape in potions class I didn't want to have that again today. "Remus just leave it, he's not worth it."

"Sev stop it!" Lily crossed her arms, she was sat next to Severus and they had started to drift because she was hanging out with us more (and Snivellus was a prick) but she told me he got very jealous. Also he had been picking on muggleborns so much lately even Lily couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

Severus glared daggers at Remus and I, which Moony returned. "I hate him. He's a half blood himself it doesn't make any sense!" Remus grumbled and I nodded, he was right.

"You're right, he's a tosser." I nodded and I didn't care if Severus heard me.

"Wait here." Remus said and grabbed some bat wings, the instructions said to use one, he grabbed six. Oh god I knew what was happening.

"Oi Severus!" I called to the greasy boy to distract him from his cauldron.

He turned around looking irritated "What?" I watched as Remus made the bat wings invisible with a charm and plopped them into Severus's potion.

He then walked over to James and Sirius and whispered to them, I saw them look over at Severus's cauldron all beaming mischeviously. Suddenly, it started bubbling over with green foam until most of the classroom floor was covered in it. I ran to join my boys who were cackling with laughter despite the fact that all our shoes were getting wet with sludge.

"That was brilliant Moony!" James grinned.

"Y/n helped me distract him." Remus shrugged his cheeks slightly pink from the attention.

"That's class over for today!" Professor Slughorn called and shood us out the classroom. There was no proof it was us but by now McGonnagle just knew.


"Potter! Lupin!" Severus spat as we walked out the classroom.

"Which one Snivellus?" James smirked. He always said that when usually if someone was cross with James, they were cross with me and vice versa. We came as a duo like the chocolates in a twirl bar.

Severus rolled his eyes and looked at Remus and I. "I know it was you who did that. I'll get you caught." he was with Regulus who stood a little behind, receiving a cold stare from Sirius.

"Ooh shiver me timbers." Remus rolled his eyes and Severus quickly got out his wand. All five of us did too.

"Just leave it Snape." Regulus said quietly yet he was looking at me. I felt my cheeks get hot and really hoped my friends didn't notice me blushing. When I realized we had held eye contact for far too long, I blinked and looked away.

"Right I'm off." I said and quickly got out of there going back to the common room. What if Sirius noticed the effect his literal brother had on me? What would he say? He wouldn't be happy, it was nothing though. It had to be just nothing.

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