Chapter 12 - Prefects bathroom

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Ever since Halloween, Reg and I had pretended nothing had happened. I didn't know whether that was good or bad, it was probably for the best but was it really?

One thing had been made clear, I fancied Regulus Black.

But that wasn't important right now, because it was the first quidditch match of the season. Gryffindor VS Slytherin. Basically everyone except the Slytherin table was dressed fully in red and gold, we sat eating our breakfast before the match.

James was as enthusiastic as ever, sat next to me gulping down his egg and bacon on toast. He was completely forgetting his table manners and Lily was trying not to look too grossed out as he wiped ketchup off his chin with his sleeve. "What? My jumpers red so it won't show." He said with a mouth full.

Marlene and I were excited as ever for the game and as I looked over at the Slytherin table, I saw Regulus was on a green and Silver quidditch Jersey. Oh god, he got on the team too.


We flew out onto the pitch suddenly exposed to the hundreds of cheers.

"Go Go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!"

I hovered in the air next to James and waited for the quaffle to be tossed up into the air, then it was time to snatch it. I looked over at my brother who was next to be and he gave me a small nod, he wanted me to fly in and grab it.

Opposite me, were the Slytherin Quidditch team in emerald green uniform. Regulus Black was eyeing the quaffle too, now I was even more determined to snatch it. Winning against Slytherin would be even more satisfying this time, they were the only real opponents against us. Everyone else was easy. No bad blood. But with Slytherin, everyone got to show their true feelings for them at quidditch matches.

Madam Hooch opened the trunk that had the three balls in, the Quaffle, the Snitch and the Bludger all flew into the air. The game had begun.

I raced forward and snatched the Quaffle just before Reg could get it and sped towards the Slytherin hoops.

"Y/n Potter takes the Quaffle, she's headed towards the hoops with Black right behind her..." Remus was the narrator for Quidditch matches. Sometimes he could be so sarcastic and I was so here for it.

I looked behind me to see Regulus was indeed coming in for a tackle so I quickly swerved to the right and passed to James who was in front of me, he didn't hesitate to slam it into the goal. Too quick for the Slytherin keeper to catch.

"James Potter scores with 10 points to Gryffindor!" Remus announced and the three houses that weren't Slytherin cheered loudly.

We went back to the centre and passed the ball over to the other team now, Regulus was soaring towards our goal with the Quaffle and I tackled him, grabbing the ball out his arm and did a quick 180 heading back to the other end of the pitch.

"Black has the Quaffle, he's alright I guess... Oh and look Y/n Potter with her insane talent snatches it. What an iconic duo the Potters are!" Remus had been told many times not to sound biased. Did he listen? No.

This time I wasn't so quick, Regulus managed to tackle it off me. "Thanks darling." He yelled over the wind threw the ball into our goal. Even though he was on the other team I had to admit he was good, and with his hair messy from the wind and determined game face- no I needed to stay focused.

"An alright shot from mini Black I suppose. 10 points to Slytherin or whatever." Remus said dismissively and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

James started with the ball this time and passed to me, I fainted to the right, then the left then did a full loop still headed towards the goal, I wasn't going to get tackled this time. I darted towards the goal and threw the Quaffle straight through the middle ring, the crowd erupted in cheers.

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