Chapter 5 - choosing sides

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Lily sniffed and walked away so no one would see her crying. "You were a right foul git then you know that?" I looked at James. He was my favorite person and I was his but we weren't afraid to keep eachother in line.
"And you're even worse." I turned to look at Severus. James picked on Severus. Severus picked on anyone who wasn't a pureblood including first years, literal eleven year olds.

I ran after Lily and caught up with her "I'm sorry Lily." I sighed and put my arm around her, we stopped and sat against a stone in the stone circle.

"I promised Sev I'd be his best friend forever. I betrayed him." She sniffed. Only Lily could feel bad for the person who just called her a slur.

"No Lily he's a childhood friend he just called you- I'm not going to say it. But he's been picking on all the muggle borns except you for years." I said softly. "Besides there's nothing he can do that you can't you're brilliant."

"He's changed I feel like I don't know him anymore." She wiped the tears from her emerald green eyes. "I wish James would leave him alone. Sirius and Peter don't help either."

"I know me too. I'll argue with him if he's said something but I don't pick fights with him." I explained to her and she nodded. "Listen I'll talk to James but Severus isn't good you know. You have friends like Marlene, Mary, Dorcas and I and the boys who don't give one about your blood status. We care about you not because we fancy you, well not counting my tosspot brother but because you're our friend. We adore you Lils!" I said gently and put my arm around her. I wasn't going to tell her who to be friends with but I would advise her on who was and wasn't good for her.

She sniffed and wiped the remainder of her tears away "you're a great friend y/n thank you." she smiled to me and I gave her a hug.

James wasn't a bad person, he was brilliant and a loyal friend and brother but he was arrogant and it was clear how he was jealous that Severus was closer with Lily.


"I mean why does he get to hang out with her anyway? He's all greasy and cheesy, why would she choose cheese over...well..." James paced the boys dorm ranting to us. I sat on his bed, Remus sat eating chocolate and Sirius was fiddling with a record player. He frowned like he was trying to work out what he was in this metaphor "fresh clothes?"

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Fresh clothes?" I raised my eyebrows "that's the best you could think of?"

"I was just thinking of the opposite to Snivellus." James shrugged "what does she see in him?" he ranted.

"He was there for her before she started Hogwarts when her own sister turned against her. She still sends home owls to her sister and it's only her parents who reply. Maybe she's hoping it will all blow over with him but I doubt she'll want much to do with him now." I stated and Sirius put on Ziggy Stardust, his and Remus's favorite record.

James nodded thoughtfully and ran a hand through his messy hair "So maybe this is my chance to get closer to her?"

"James! She's still just as annoyed at you for being a prick." I scolded, of course I gave him a telling off and I knew he felt bad.

"Maybe if you could talk to her without falling at her feet you'd stand a chance." Sirius grinned and sat next to me on James's bed.

"Just apologize! God you are so lucky you have me to guide you." I sighed but laughed a little. They knew I loved them really. They were all my brothers as much as James was.

"Right maybe. I'll think of something. Quidditch tommorow?" James asked. Remus immediately shook his head, that boy hated flying. I was a decent flyer but James was always trying to make me 'polish up' so it put me off. Peter and Sirius agreed without hesitation of course. Sirius liked flying and Peter liked whatever James liked.

"Can't. Dumbledore is making me get tutored by Edgy Reggie." I sighed.

Sirius frowned at the mention of his brother. "You never told us."

"Hard to mention when James had Snivellus dangling upside down." Remus smirked. Sirius really didn't like us having anything to do with his family but he knew I didn't choose it.

"Well that's unlucky for you. As long as he doesn't brainwash you then it's alright." Sirius said bitterly. He said before that he used to be close with his brother until he lost him to his family ways.

"I'll be just fine Sirius." I said softly and he nodded.

"Cheer up. Y/n can work out ways to prank him!" James grinned trying to lighten the mood as always.

All that conversation did for me was confirm my suspicions, Sirius would be fuming if I told him I actually wasn't too bad about being tutored by his brother. How bad could he be?


"What on Earth is going on?" I groaned as Marlene shook me awake. It was the middle of the night what could the matter be?

"Snape's sleeping outside the portrait hole until Lily accepts his apology." Marlene sighed and shook her head. I sighed and got out of bed, walking downstairs into the empty common room. It was too cold in my pyjamas, gryffindor pyjama shorts and a black tank top. I could hear Lily outside argueing with Sniv.

"Lily I promise it just slipped out! Please just forgive me it was Potter's fault!" Marlene and I were sat on the sofas in total silence so we could hear the argument outside. Soon enough, James came storming down the stairs and I quickly shook my head beckoning him to come sit with us.

"Your dad should have slipped out." Marlene muttered and I tried not to laugh audibly.

"Stop blaming it on James! I've been making excuses for you for years Sev and it's too much. I know what side you're really on." Lily wasn't yelling but I could tell by her voice she was upset.

"Best friends Lily you promised-"

"We were twelve Severus! And that was before you started hanging out with future death eaters and calling people slurs. You have to understand I can't be friends with someone like that." I put my head in James's shoulder partly  because I was so tired and partly because we all hated hearing Lily upset.

"It's my fault isn't it." James whispered.

"No he always had it coming." Marlene shook her head and I nodded in agreement.

"Please just leave me alone." Lily sighed and walked back in the common room. She stopped when she saw us three and smiled sadly.

"Lily listen I'm so sorry I really am-" James began and stood up walking over to her.

Lily sighed "James stop. Just give me space tonight okay?" Even when she was angry her voice was still soft and tender yet you were an idiot of you ever ignored Lily Evans.

Marlene and I both gave Lily a cuddle to feel better and that night we ended up just having the three of us squeeze into her bed. We often slept like that or pushed the beds together but most importantly our best friend needed comfort.

Imagine being friends with someone on the wrong side, I felt bad for her.

((Sorry for posting this chapter late I forgot I had to lol I thought I already had.
Thanks for reading this fic I day dream about this one so much and yeah see you in the next chapter
- Author :)

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