Chapter 69 - Christmas break 1977 pt2

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Reg took my hand and lead me into an empty compartment. I quickly threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"You could be nicer you know-"

"Shh." He shook his head and held me in his arms, now wasn't the time to tell him to be nice to my friends.

I gently played with his hair "I love you though." I said gently.

"I'm so scared y/n." He whispered. "I don't know how much I can take- what they'll make me do..." His voice sounded wobbly and it broke my heart.

"It's alright." I whispered to him. "I'll keep that mirror on me 24/7 you can talk to me whenever you need. I promise I'll be there."

"I'm not brave like Sirius is, what if actually I've just been bad all along? What if that's who I am? I hate the person they've made me." When he looked at me, his blue eyes were glistening with tears that spilled onto his cheeks.

"You're not bad Reg." I wiped his tears away. "You're so so good you have no idea. Your situation is the worst and I'm so sorry." I held him in my arms as he cried on my shoulder. "The fact that you're worried just proves that you are. You'll get through it, there are different kinds of bravery and I think you're strong for putting up with it." I just wanted to steal him away and hide him in my house, damn I had tried already and where had that ended?

"I need you y/n." He sniffed and rested his forehead against mine.

"You've got me here, I'll stay with you always." I told him firmly.

We sat down on the seats watching the world fly by through the window. "Distract me, tell me something nice." He said quietly. "I bet your family does a good Christmas."

I smiled and put my arms around him. "My mum always makes a Christmas cake the day we get back, she'll be finishing it off right now probably. Remus, Sirius and Lily are staying with us this year. Peter lives in the village so he spends a lot of time with us too. Christmas day is always big, my family come over and I mean a lot of family like 4th cousins and all." I chuckled. "Any family friends too, one year your cousin Andromeda came over with Ted and baby Nymphadora." I told him with a smile.

"I haven't seen her in years. I know she buys Sirius records though." He nodded. "I get on well with Narcissa, Bellatrix is a bit...mental but Narcissa is good for advice." I remembered Narcissa from when we were younger and she was still at school. She had been so intimidating to my 12 year old self with her resting bitch face and striking blue eyes, the same ones Reg had. She was so tall too.

"I used to be scared of her." I laughed a little.

"So did I." He laughed. "Where do I find the mirror?"

"Sirius's room, it's hidden inside the feathers of his pillow I think." I explained to him.

"I wish I could give you something in return but you told me not to get you anything." He frowned and kissed my cheek.

"That's not a present that's an essential for the holidays." I shook my head. "And I'd have no idea what to get you anyway because like what do you get your super rich boyfriend for Christmas?"

"Well there is something you could give me." He smirked and kissed me.

"Regulus Black I am not giving you a blow job on the train!" I laughed and pushed him playfully. "Imagine if the trolley lady walks past! Or worse, my brother."

"That kind of risk makes it more hot." He grinned. "I'm kidding, I don't want a punch from James, again."

I put my head on his shoulder, it was that fight that was the last straw and I had broken up with him. "You can be awfully hard to defend sometimes." I sighed and held his hand.

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