Chapter 74 - Bad dreams and cupcakes

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Reg laughed at me as my legs wobbled walking down the stairs, his fault entirely. "How about I race you to the bottom?" He teased me.

"Shut up." I laughed. "You did this." I crossed my arms as we walked and he looked down at me with a smirk.

"Yeah and it was fun." He grinned. He looked presentable and smart as if nothing had happened however I had hickeys all down my neck and my legs were noticeably shaking. Great.
He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me down the stairs like that. "Will you stop complaining now?"

"Never." I laughed and he set me down by the hall. "I should just get you to carry me everywhere." We went past Pandora and I waved at her from where I was, slung over Reg's shoulder. She laughed a little and waved back. "You see the girl, Pandora, who just walked past?" I asked him.

"The weird girl? Yeah." He nodded and we went through a portrait hole into the kitchens. There were house elves scurrying around and all of them greeted Reg as if he were their master. He loved house elves and greeted the ones who spoke to him with a smile.

"Pandora." I said firmly after he put me down. "She's called Pandora. And she's a lovely girl and you and your side kicks are to leave her alone alright? Go easy on her."

He nodded. "Sorry, it's habit. You know I can't get Mulciber to back off who ever, he leaves you alone that's my primary concern. Then there's your close friends and now Pandora. I can't promise anything but I'll leave her alone."

"He doesn't leave me alone though." I accidentally blurted and sighed. Reg frowned and looked over at me from one of the cup boards.

"Tell me everything." He commanded, he could be so bossy sometimes but I actually enjoyed it.

"Don't act on it but-"

"No promises." He shook his head, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Do you want me to tell you or not?"


"Remember the time when he couldn't play quidditch because he had vanished? He had walked into the girls changing rooms while I was showering... He stood in between me and my bag so I hexed him before he could do anything." I explained and when I looked up at Reg for his reaction, his hands were firmly in his pockets probably so I couldn't see him balling his fists and he looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"I'll kill him." He said simply. "I'll fucking kill him."

"Reg no. It was months ago and I don't want to start anything over it." I shook my head. I took his hand to stop him walking out and trying to get him to see reason. "I'm alright I can look after myself."

"You can but you shouldn't have to. You shouldn't have been in that position." He looked into my eyes when I took his hand. "It scares me what he would have done if you didn't hex him, no one hurts you and gets away with it."

"He didn't get away with it. I hexed him out the door." I put my hand on the side of his face and he calmed down a little.

"If I see him even looking at you for too long I'll cut his dick off and make him eat it." He said and it was hard to tell if it was a bluff or not.

"So you will Reg." I chuckled and kissed his cheek. We found some cupcakes left over and I got them out the little box. "Bon appetite." I smiled.

Reg and I spent that evening together and then we decided to sleep in the room of requirements. We were tucked up in bed as we were the night before the holidays, it was snowing outside and the wind howled but we were warm inside by the fire. "I missed you." I mumbled, he had his arms around me holding me close to his chest.

"I thought of you every day, every time it got hard I thought of how it would be worth it when I got back to you." He whispered, gently caressing my face and looking into my eyes. "I don't get why you still want to stay with me."

"Because you're Reg." I said simply "I don't believe I'm ever capable of letting you go. Trust me I've tried but it won't work, we have a future together Reg we've known it for a while now, whatever happens we're gonna be together. I know it." I didn't know where we would end up but it would be with him so it didn't matter.

"Well I think I might just be able to put up with you forever." He grinned and kissed me gently. I laughed and kissed him back. "You always stuck out to me you know, partly because I can hear you and your friends before I see them but I always noticed you." He chuckled and gently rubbed his thumb over my cheekbone. "I would always try and get your attention, I didn't know why I just felt like I needed to. I wanted you to notice me as much as I noticed you and it was usual in a bad embarrassing way but I enjoyed it when you even looked my way."

I remembered how he would just wack my bag off my shoulder as he walked past when we were younger, as we got older he would throw paper balls in the corridors that somehow always hit my head. "You were such a dick." I laughed.

"And you wanna know a secret? The day we actually spoke at the lake I was just trying to annoy you I didn't even really want to sit there." He smirked. "I just wanted to piss you off now somehow I'm here."

"I was too nice to my friends edgy brother now I'm dating him." I grinned playfully. It was cute to think he had actually liked me for a while before we ever spoke.

"You're into it though." He smirked.

"Yeah I am." I laughed and cuddled up to him closing my eyes. "I'm gonna sleep now."

"Okay darling me too." He kissed my head. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Reg." I couldn't help but feel a smile tugging at my lips as I layed there with him. I hadn't seen him in so long and I had him again, Christmas was just an obstacle we got past and now I was where I was supposed to be which was with him.


When I fell asleep, I dreamed of a dark ocean with cliffs surrounding and strange creatures trying to grab at my ankles. "Get off!" I cried as the wind howled and I was slipping on sharp rock trying to get away but they were stronger. "Help!" I screamed but I was alone. There was no one to hear me.
They grabbed at my clothes and yanked me down under the water, I reached up desperately trying to stay a float but I was slowly sinking below the surface.

I woke up with a gasp and quickly looked around to see where I was. Reg was awake next to me and he quickly put his hand on my shoulder "You alright?"

"Yeah." I nodded and layed back down. "Bad dreams."

"That's weird me too." Reg frowned.

"I need to get up." I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Quidditch practice with James, so I can thrash Slytherin again." I grinned playfully.

He shook his head and pulled me back down next to him. Trapping me in his arms. "Now I'm not letting you go."

"Get off I need to go." I laughed. "I have to get ready."

"Five more minutes." He smirked and kissed me, his hands slipped under the baggy t shirt I slept in and held my waist.

I smirked against his lips and kissed him back "Mhm maybe ten."

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