Chapter 85 - Explanations

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My head pounded as I sat up. Definitely hungover. But that didn't matter I needed to find Reg.

I quickly threw on some jeans and a t shirt and walked over to madam Pomfret. "Oh good morning y/n." She smiled at me. "Have a nice birthday?"

"Yeah thanks, do you have any potions for a really bad headache?" I asked, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

She chuckled, knowing straight away why I had a headache. "Oh deary me, let me see what I have." She left me standing in the hospital wing and went to find a potion to help with my headache. When she came back she handed me a bottle "Here you go love, I'd suggest keeping this and giving it to your Gryffondor friends, no doubt they'll all need it." She said and winked. She knew.

"Thanks." I chuckled and put it in my pocket.

Now that my headache was healed, it was time to find Reg. It was a big castle but I knew where he liked to go I'd be able to find him. The Slytherin common room was not an option, I'd probably get jumped if I got spotted down there and I hated the dungeons. What had happened with Severus that one night had really stuck with me. Unless it was absolutely necessary, I didn't go down to the dungeons.

My first place was the room of requirement, where he was no where to be found. There was no sign of him in the great hall either so I walked down to our spot at the lake. It was a long old walk from the castle but it was worth the walk, I had to find him.

It was beautifully sunny outside, spring was definitely on the way, some plants were beginning to flower but there was a cold wind that served as a reminder that it wasn't yet summer. Good. With the end of the school year came adult responsibility and adult wars. I wasn't ready for that just yet.

And there he was, sat by the tree, sketching away on a notepad and smoking a cigarette. I didn't really know what to say as I walked up to him, he looked up at me waiting for me to talk. "You said to come and talk to you tomorrow so... Here I am." I said quietly breaking the silence.

"I did yes." He nodded, he always went quiet when he was upset with me and it just made it worse, at least if he went on an angry rant I'd have something to respond off of.

"Listen, last night I was really drunk and Freddie gave me a spliff for my birthday so we went to smoke it out the window. I was swaying so much because of how drunk I was that he tried to move me away from the window and then you walked in. Nothing happened." I explained trying to stay calm.

"You know he used to like you and you still took him to your dorm, maybe he still does. How does that look y/n?" He frowned.

"It doesn't matter if it was in my dorm or not I just wanted a smoke for fuck sake!" I snapped and took a deep breath. "I waited for you, for ages and you didn't show up. It was my birthday Reg." I sniffed holding back tears. "Then when you do finally show up you accuse me of cheating on you? You really think I'd do that you're the love of my life."

"I never accused you-" He began but I cut in.

"We had this with Sirius, now with Freddie. You get the wrong idea and you never let me explain. I've stuck with you through so much, you're not an easy person to be with Reg but it's all worth it because I love you more than anything in the whole world and it really upsets me that you don't seem to realize that." Tears stated to run down my face and I was very annoyed at myself for crying. "What more can I do?" Despite whatever anger or resentment he must have been feeling towards me he pulled me on to his lap and held me close, stroking my hair and not saying anything. He frowned like he was trying to work out what to say. "Please say something."

"I'm sorry y/n. I guess because of my parents I find it hard to accept that there are people who love me. If your own mother can treat you so harshly without a care, there's no one you can really count on not to fuck you over." He said quietly.

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