Chapter 25 - Letters

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Our Christmas holidays were spent over all messing around, it snowed on Christmas Eve and we built two small walls in it and had a massive Snowball fight using the walls as defense barriers. I didn't hear from Reg, but I understood it was hard for him to get letters through. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and I always thought it was dumb romantic drizzle but maybe it was true, when I saw Reg again it would be even better. I missed his face, his voice, his smile, his hands on my waist. I was unsure of how I even manged before him.

We had just come in from a cold quidditch practice, the tips of our noses rosy from the cold. James and I had even convinced a reluctant Remus to join in and we were very patient as we taught him some basic skills so he actually learned them.

We had our dinner already on the table, and of course Remus ate his own body weight in spaghetti. "James dear have you heard anything of Sirius?" My mum asked as she sat down to eat too. Sirius was like her son too, I knew how my mum worried about him while he was in that God awful house.

I worried for both of the brothers, but the thing was, Sirius was a loudmouth and Reg knew when to stop. Reg did everything he could to keep his mum off his back, and Sirius did everything he could to made the venomous cobra that was Walburga Black angry.

"I've got an owl or two from him." James said after swallowing his food, he used his table manners around our parents. "He said there's definitely something strange going on, he's actually being left alone. Locked in his room most days and there's strange people coming into the house and meeting in the dining room."

That was the first I heard of it. Of course he hadn't written anything to me and I was starting to despair.

"Poor lamb I hope he's alright. Send him my love in your next letter."

Remus had been looking down at his food for the whole conversation but listening intently, just like me. Remus had been mentioned in his letters and wrote a bit to him too. Nothing to or from me.

"Hold on I need to write a letter," I stood up "excuse me." I then ran up to my room and got out some parchment and a quill. Just because he was mad at me didn't mean he didn't need to know that I was still here for him.

Dear Sirius,

Merry Christmas. I hope you're alright, of course I haven't heard anything from you and that's not what I'm writing to you about because I'm giving you space or whatever. I'm also not writing this as a needy apology because I've given you enough of those and it gets annoying for both parties.
I just wanted to say that I hope you're alright. Remus, James and I (also my mother of course) are all worried about you and, well, just don't do anything stupid okay?
Even though you're being a dick I still care about you so look after yourself.
- Y/n

I folded the letter nearly and addressed it to Sirius Black then attached it to James's owl's foot and sent her flying away. I felt like I needed to write one to Reg too, he rarely talked about Grimauld place but I knew how much he hated it there.

Dear Reg.

Merry Christmas, I miss you. It's nice being home for a week or two except for that I haven't seen or heard anything from you. I hope you're alright, although I know you look after yourself a little more than Sirius does. Don't feel pressure to reply if it's dangerous I just wanted you to know that I love you and I can't wait to see you again.
- All my love, Y/n

The letter seemed short but there was so much I had to miss out incase his mum opened it, like what Sirius told me. I would have to ask him in person all the things I wanted to say. Telling him I loved him in a letter was risky enough but it was needed.

I spent the rest of the night hanging out with Remus and James, we were all in a good mood because it was Christmas tomorrow. We were planning pranks for coming back to school, random bits of parchment and books layed out on my living room floor, of course James could make even pranking people geeky.

The hours got later and later until past midnight, my mother finally shooed us off to bed. I brushed my teeth and put on my night things and just as I got into bed, an owl flew through my window. It had two letters attached to its foot. Both addressed to me.

I quickly opened the first one, which I recognized to be Sirius's swirly hand writing.

To Y/n.

I'm doing just fine. And for the record, I am still very much annoyed with you. There are strange things going on here and I feel like you would know what to do. I've been locked in my room for the most part and I've been SO BORED so quite frankly your letter was a relief. Even though I'm still very angry at you.
- Sirius

I couldn't help but smile a little, he was beginning to talk almost like we used to. Maybe all hope wasn't lost. The next one must have been from Reg, he had the same swirly hand writing just neater.

Dear Y/n,

I don't think I've ever wanted to be with you more than I do right now. And that's saying something. Sirius is actually behaving himself this holiday, and of course he couldn't help but stick his nose in when he recognized your hand writing on my letter. I miss you terribly and you best believe when we get back to Hogwarts I'll...

I smirked reading the part that followed, he really was missing me.

... I don't know how many letters I'll be able to send out to you without it being suspicious. I never write to my 'friends' so I don't want to have a sudden change in behavior, my mother will notice.
I miss you more and more every day and the one thing keeping me going is knowing that before long I'll have you with me again, the way it should be.
All my love, Reg.

Finally, a letter from Reg. I read it once, then twice then for a third time just because it was something from him. I realized there was a small package attached to the owls leg which I carefully untied. Inside the package, was a ring box. I quickly opened it and inside was a beautiful gold band ring with a Ruby then inside, the constellation and the star Regulus was engraved.

It was easy to tell who it was from, I played with it in my hand for a while looking down at the ring, it was so beautiful and thoughtful I vowed never to take it off. I slipped it onto my finger with a smile, atleast now I had something from him when we were apart.

There was a little note in the package that read Hope you like your present darling, even if no one can know I love you I can still make sure you never forget.

I layed down ready to go to sleep feeling perfectly happy, excited for Christmas and to see my boyfriend again then it hit me. The letters didn't add up at all. Sirius said he was locked in his room, Reg spoke as if the entire family was getting on perfectly.

Something wasn't right and someone was lying.

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